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[sorry the last chapter was so short, i really wanted to updated but ive been in a funk.blah. but anyway back to regular updates. manip of harry & annette]

"Don't tell me what to do!I'm tired of everyone controlling me," She yells at me, her hot breath against my sweater, reeking of alcohol.

"I don't want to control you," I tell her, my hands still holding their firm grasp on her,"I want to help you."

"Help me? You can't help me! Nobody can help me, nobody! I'm stuck in this nightmare for life."

"I can help you, just..." I begin to say when the door of this room we're in bursts open. I look away from Jonique's trembling face to see Derek angrily rushing toward us near the bed.

"Get your hands off of her!" Derek says forcefully tearing Jonique out of my hold.

Before I can even react he puts Jonique to the side, punching me right in the mouth, sending me tumbling back onto the bed. I can taste the blood already gushing out of my bottom lip. I sit up, only to be punched again except this time in the eye. Feeling even angrier I throw punches right back, only connecting a handful, while every punch Derek throws hits his intended target - me.

"Derek stop!" Sophia shouts at him rushing into the room, as Derek continues punching me senseless, at this point I don't even try fighting back, only using my hands to cover my face. He's much stronger then me even with all that alcohol in his system he's kicking my äss.

"Stop!" She yells, now at our side. I watch as she reaches out her hand to him, snapping him out of his rage. He backs away from me with his eyes narrowed at me, his fist still clenched with blood splats from my mouth and and face stained on his skin.

"Sophia take Jo to the car," He says to her, looking at me.

"Derek just come with us, let's go," Sophia says, looking worried.

"I'm just going to talk to him, go in the car," He tells her firmly this time.

"Okay," She says, wrapping her arm over Jonique's shoulder, leading her out.

"If you ever try some shït like this again I'll knock your teeth out," Derek snarls at me now that Sophia and Jo are gone.

"Just because she's drunk and can't protect herself from guys like you doesn't mean I won't," He continues.

"I didn't do anything to her. And I wasn't going to," I retort,"She led me up here. So before you start playing the hero get your story straight.."

"Then why was she screaming for you to let her go? Why was she crying like that?"

"She was mad at me."

"Why?" He says his voice still completely bothered as before.

"Because I wouldn't do anything but kiss her," I lie, deciding to leave out the whole 'name' thing because it sounds completely ridiculous and unbelievable.

"For your sake that better be all that happened. Because if it isn't I swear you'll regret it. I don't give a shït if we're friends or not. Jo is one person I won't tolerate you or anyone else trying to mess with. Got it?" He spits at me.

"Derek, Sophia said to...what's going on?" Liam says now in the doorway, his eyes darting back and forth from me and Derek.

"Nothing," Derek tells Liam before looking back down at me, kicking my foot as he slowly takes a few steps before turning around, muttering under his breath to me,"Fücker."

"Harry, what happened?" Liam says again, this time with much more alarm, finally taking not to my beaten in face.

"Nothing," I say to him, standing to my feet slowly, my head pounding.

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