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I hadn't been inside Jo's house since the day she left, but not much had changed. The living room still looked stiff and untouched, a few random lamps in the corners and magazines on the coffee table.

"So what happened with your mom," Jo hesitates to ask, leading the way to the kitchen. The kitchen still had the same small four chaired table with a random adornment in the center, the only difference this time was the lack of people and the mug sitting next to a pencil and journal.

"Nothing," I sigh, feeling like my head was moments from exploding. Everything had fallen apart at once..I guess that's just how things go wrong for me.

"Well either way..im sorry," She gives me a look, stopping to stand right in front of me.

"Don't be," I'm quick to say, looking down at her, wanting nothing more than to finish what I had started..anything but having to think about what had just happened would suffice.

"Is she really mad at you?" She asks with concern.

"Sorta," I shrug, pulling her hand so that she's close to me. I lower my head and she bits her lip for a second, anticipating my kiss before standing on her toes, her hand on my chest, meeting my lips. I try to slip my tongue in not getting the chance because Jo breaks away from the kiss.

"After getting caught..it's just-it's not the time,"Jo apologizes and it takes me by surprise. She's usually the one pushing me to go for it.

"I need to shower," She then blurts,stepping away from me. I watch as she completely enters the kitchen, picking her mug up from the table she takes a long drink. Instead of standing here like a disappointed horn dog, I follow her.

"What are you drinking," I randomly ask, trying to hide the small amount of hurt in my voice.

"Water,"She laughs, placing the mug into the full sink,"All the other cups are dirty."

"Oh," I force a laugh, looking down at the table when her journal catches my eye.

"Wow," I breath in amazement, reaching for the opened journal. It was open about midway and both pages were filled with different pencil shadings. One picture was through a windows perspective of a girl sitting on the floor of an empty room, naked, her head against a plain wall with her eyes shut tight.

The other page was unfinished but still just as artistically beautiful. It was an etched out head, covered in messy hair, eyes yet to have been drawn; a smile being the only detail showing that this person was happy. Whoever they were, they sat close to the same girl from the first picture, their defined arms holding her tight in this room that was no longer empty, but her face remained the same..still distressed.

I wanted to so badly flip through the journal before Jo places her hand on mine before gently taking the journal from my hands, cheeks flushed.

"Don't look at these they're..so bad, theyre not even finished," She says slightly embarrassed tucking the journal under her arm.

"Sorry..it's just you're so good and I..sorry I shouldn't have looked,"I apologize knowing that an artist was always sensitive when it came to their work. It's so personal and opening to express things with your own two hands..it made you vulnerable.something I knew Jo didn't do well.

"No it's okay," She assures me,"I just..I don't really let people see what I draw. It's just..I don't know. It feels weird it's like you're seeing in my brain."

"I wanna see inside your brain," I joke and she smiles. There was definitely some truth to it though, I would love to know what she was thinking about everything happening in her life..I wanted to know what she thought of me.

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