[twenty two]

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[sorry for the late update, holiday times are just so busy and it was just my birthday last wednesday so i was doing a bit of celebrating. ill try to update more regularly, i just don't want to rush this story and spew out crappy chapters..

that being said please vote/comment so i know you're reading it means a lot to me!]

I had tried to fight my sleep, standing in front of my wide open window, waiting. But as my eyes slowly open with my fully clothed body scrawled on the floor I clearly see that I had lost.

For a second I don't remember all of last night when it finally hits me a few seconds after I've rubbed my eyes.


I quickly shuffle to my feet and look out the window. The first thing I see is Jo's window is shut, the deep red curtains she apparently had all along draped neatly serving as a wall between us. I then glance to the front of her house where her father's car is parked in the driveway as it usually is, only now there are other cars parked right out front, cars I've never seen before.

"Mom," I say loudly, stepping away from the window, snatching my camera by the strap from my desk, placing it over my neck, quickly exiting my room to walk down the hall.

After telling my mom about Jo and her home life she couldn't believe I hadn't told her sooner. I know that at first she was actually disappointed because I hadn't said anything, but ultimately she made it known that she would help me get Jo away from her father. She promised to help me save her before this got any worse then it was.

"Mom are you here?" I call out again, walking past her empty bedroom to head downstairs.

After looking around the first floor of the house, I wind up in the kitchen where all that's here is a note on the counter and some money.

Was called into work this morning, stay out of trouble.I'll be home by 7.. We'll deal with this then. Try to leave it alone for now.
I love you.

I put the note back down and sigh, checking the time on the microwave.

11:46 am.

I place my hand on my chin, tugging my bottom lip trying to decide on my next move. I'm so anxious and impatient I sure as helll can't wait around till my mom comes home from work.

"Sorry mom," I mumble to myself, shoving the money from the counter into my pocket, heading for the front door.

I look over at Liam's house and see his car parked in the driveway, and Derek's car near the basketball hoop reminding me that I didn't even bother filling Derek in about last night. I wonder when he left the hospital..

I continue the walk across the grass to Jo's house with my shoulders hunched slightly, and my back sore as I try to think of what I'm even going to say or do. Before I can answer my own exhausting question, I'm standing in front of Jo's door-knocking.

"Who are you," An unfamiliar guy says as he opens the door, eyeing me up and down, exuding hostility.

"Is Jo here?" I answer.

"Depends," The guy replies, his jaw hardened,"What's with the camera?"

"Photographer," I mumble wondering why I even brought my camera at all,"I'm Jo's friend..i just came to see her..see if she's alright," I answer, hardening my voice at the stranger.

"You got a name," He asks, not bothering to open the door further, only allowing the slight murmur of voices to trickle out the front door.


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