[forty five]

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"What should we watch next?" Jo asks me, the movie The Strangers, now over.

We were laying on our backs under a small fort we made around the tv with my living room couches, the kitchen chairs and the blankets from the closet. It was a pretty decent size, taking up half the living room, yet here we were, side by side, my bare shoulder against hers.

I knew that this was definitely something I shouldn't be doing but I couldn't help it. Id feel the guilt for this later because for now I was just going to live in the moment and not care.

"I don't want to watch anymore movies, let's make a cake or something, I'm hungry," I tell her and she laughs, propping herself up on her side.

I had spent most of the movie glancing at Jo just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and that she was actually her.

"It's nearly three am and you want to bake a cake?"

I was really trying hard not to give her any longing looks even though that's all I felt having her this close..I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her for as long as I could until my time with her was done..I don't know why I kept thinking like that.

I guess it's because I really knew how jo could be,

"I actually wanted you to make it, but yea," I laugh and she rolls her eyes before crawling out of the fort. I don't even try to pretend that I wasn't looking at her ass when she turns around.

"I suck at baking so unless you want your kitchen burnt down, come help," She tells me, tossing a small pillow at my face.

I quickly crawl out and follow her to the kitchen. She leans against the counter, drinking from a water bottle as I start to pull out the flour, and baking soda when she starts laughing, nearly choking on the water.

"Wait you mean like bake an actual cake from scratch?" She questions me, tucking a piece of brown hair behind her ear,"I don't know how to do that Harry."

"Me neither," I force a laugh. Annette was the one who always baked for me. She was always baking me things with these recipes her grandma taught her so I guess I just assumed every girl knew how to bake too.

Annette. God I felt bad about what I was doing but not bad enough to stop. Maybe it would have been easier if Annette and I had met first..or maybe if we had just stayed friends.

"Do you have any of those boxes of cake mix?" She asks, I open the cabinet to put the things back shaking my head no.

"I think I have one," Jo tells me, lightly jogging to the front door before shouting,"Let me go check!"

I grab the flour with one hand and toss it into the cabinet a little too hard, sending flour flying everywhere.

"Sh*t," I mumble, looking at the huge mess, wondering how I was going to clean it. I honestly waste a good ten minutes just staring because I didn't really know how to clean.

I grab a wash cloth and figure I'll just wipe it up a little then sweep it up or something. I turn the faucet it on, wetting the wash cloth a little, beginning to wipe it down. It actually cleans up pretty easily so I figure I'll just do it this way.

I return to the sink to wash the cloth one final time to finish up when I feel a cold hand touch in between my shoulder blades, before sliding down to my lower back. I jump a little, dropping the cloth, turning my head.

"Sorry," She quickly retracts her hand from my naked back.

"I just um..I didn't have one," She quickly adds, her eyes skimming over my bare chest.

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