[fifty six]

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songs that inspired this chapter:

• fools gold-1D
• as you are - the weeknd
• what it takes - shawn mendes
• ready to run -1D
• what do you mean - Jb  ]

And there it was. As always, it had taken all of a few hours for Jo to take one of her few vulnerable moments, and completely do a one-eighty. What made it worse was the fact that I always fall right into it. It made me so angry because I already knew it's what she did best. She pulls me close only to turn around and say she didn't mean it. It was her thing. She loved to tear down whatever beautiful moment we created.

I'm sure it's because destruction is all she knew.

My first instinct was to follow after her and argue..to get mad with her and to demand to know how she could possible be so..confusing..so difficult..so hurtful. I wanted to scream at her to let her know that this was exactly what I was talking about..this was exactly why I hadn't said that I loved her back, because she was always turning things into something negative. But I'm sure that's what she wanted. She wanted to give herself a "justifiable" reason as to why she didn't need me to love her.

It was all just a front and I knew that if I kept trying to put out the flames with more fire, we'd get no where. I wanted her to see that being vulnerable was okay, and that I wasn't going to take advantage of her vulnerability.

Because I loved her.

I was an idiot. I was the biggest f*cking idiot.But I just knew that I loved her. Could her love be made up and unreal? Yeah. It just didn't matter to me because it was real to me. There was something in her that had grabbed my attention from the get go, and it wasn't something I could just forget. She had that glow..that spark. Whether it was really there or not wasn't important to me, it was enough to captivate me..it was enough to push me to recklessly follow her blindly.

"Can I go to the bathroom," I ask my teacher. The book line had moved rather slowly, and I was finally, being handed a copy of Heart of Darkness.

"You've got two minutes," She nods, handing me a hall pass that had been stuck to the back of her clipboard. I nod knowing fully well Id be gone much longer.

I make my way to the office, thankfully remembering its location. I try opening the door I had gone through this morning with Gigi when I remember its locked.

"Doors locked. What do you need?" A familiar voice says from behind a glassed window I had just walked past, with a huge "STUDENT SIGN IN/OUT" sign above it.

"Oh Harry, hey," Gigi smiles once I've walked over to the window.

"Gigi, hi," I awkwardly smile. She was those people that loved to look you right in the eyes when you spoke and for someone like me it was really just uncomfortable.

"What can I do for you?" She asks.

"I was just..I wanted to check on a friend who got sent to the office," I mumble.

"Jonique?" She guesses.

"Yea, Jo," I nod slowly.

"She's already in the office with my dad..I mean the principal,"She informs me.

"Dammit," I mutter to myself before speaking up,"How much trouble do you think she's in?"

"Hard to tell. Things are a little different when they involve Jonique Caar," Gigi shrugs with a sympathetic look.

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