Hiatus (Update)

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Hey guys... I am so sorry that I have been absent for so long. I had planned on coming back a lot sooner. A LOT sooner. But this year just hasn't been my year. For starters, I graduated high school. Yay!

Well, now it's yay, but back when my 18th birthday was nearing, things were far from yay. I had just started becoming really depressed and anxious over my birthday, and I had to start seeing my psychiatrist more. After I turned 18, I had started feeling better. Until a few days after my birthday when I injured my knee in 3 different places and was put on bedrest for a month that is. And then a month gone from school became 4 months, and I ended up not going to school anymore due to the suffocating anxiety I was experiencing over returning, and then I fell behind on all of my work and that with college on my mind, I was just SO overloaded... Hence my absence. I had never planned on staying gone for so long, but, I did. 

I am so sorry that I left on hiatus without word. I know that some of you have messaged me, and I am sorry for not responding. I feel like a toxic asshole for not responding to the messages, and I have no excuse. I can explain myself, but reason does not equal excuse. I should have been more responsible. I cannot apologize enough.

On the plus though, I did end up getting all the credits that I needed to graduate (no summer school, THANK GOD). I also ended up being able to go back to school (on the last day that is...). I regret not going back sooner, but honestly, I would've regretted it way more if I had never returned.

As for after high school plans, I'm going to be going to a private art college come fall on scholarship (both financial aid scholarships and my whopping 60k merit scholarship that I am hella proud of). I plan on majoring in illustration and minoring in Asian studies, Japanese and writing. I am very excited. Nervous, but excited. A good friend of mine will be going to the same college as I, so having him there will definitely help, and it makes things even more exciting! Things are still stressful, but it's getting better.

With all that personal mush out of the way though, I just want to be clear that despite my hiatus, THE BEAST MADE OF INK IS NOT ENDING UNFINISHED. I will be resuming writing this story at some point. I am not sure when, but this story is not over just yet. To those of you who are still around, now would be a perfect time to reread the chapters (as I will surely have to do as well once I start writing again. Not to mention that I need to go through my 1.7k notifications... dear lord). Once I am back, I will be taking this 'chapter' down, so stay tuned!

Hope everyone is having a good summer!

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