Chapter 66: The Archives

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-Your P.O.V.-

You gasped as you shot yourself up straight, tired eyes dashing around your new scenery in alert. The elevator that you were in is now completely shattered, jagged metal edges shooting this way and that like a startled pufferfish. Ink was dripping form the ceiling like poisonous rain, the familiar sound of gears turning echoing ever so softly in the distance from behind. In front of you was a hallway, the sepia wood long and foreshadowing as you found a slight sweat bead across your forehead while the studios grunts and groans of survival blended into an annoying melody.

The pounding headache edging against your skull was of no help as you attempted to remember what happened to make you end up in such a grotesque scene. It took a while, but once you were finally able to scramble your thoughts back together, you found only one name escaping your lips.


There was no familiar tap to your shoulder. No noise of a body moving near your own. The only thing that met your ears was the sound of the dying studios song.


Scrambling onto your feet, you felt pain shoot throughout your hip, stomach, and overall entire being, but the rush of adrenaline that had just entered your bloodstream made it easy to ignore all handicaps. Alice, that fucking bitch.

Like the sly thing she is, Alice kidnapped Boris while you were passed out on the ground like your dad after the Superbowl. When you got your hands on her, oh, fuck morals. NOBODY touches your friends.

Looking around the room once more, you found your gun. Picking it up, you were shocked to watch your weapon turn into ink in your hands. Weird.

While wiping your now wet hand off on your shirt, your eyes caught the sight of a sign that read, "Level S". Now knowing a bit about your location, you sped-limped down the lone hallway which was covered in papers until you were met with another sign, this one speaking of all the different services located on this level. Seeing as there are no more services being provided, you found no use in looking over the sign. To both your left and right were two very short hallways. Relying on instinct, you took the left, lights flickering ominously behind. Above the upcoming door read a sign that said "archives". Reaching that said door, what met you was disappointment.

"Oh, come on!" You yelled, annoyance clear. The door had no wheel, making it impossible to open. That still didn't stop you from attempting to shoulder-bang it down, which just resulted in a soon to bloom bruise. God, you must look like shit right now.

This was getting bad. You don't know how much time you have or how much time has passed since Alice caught him. You need to find Boris before she- no, don't think like that.

Turning around, you went down the last unexplored hallway, hoping for a way out.

Taking a left, right in front of you was two doors facing opposite from one another, and a lone Bendy cut-out. Seeing this made hope flood into your system. Bendy... You could alert him and he could help! But then again... you aren't sure if Bendy is back in control of himself yet. When you left him earlier (which you left not by choice), he was physically okay thanks to the inks regeneration properties, but mentally speaking... Well, he seemed rough in a way that you could not help fix. You're worried about him, but you're more worried about Boris since his life literally hangs on the balance of your time on arrival.

You guess that you'll just have to believe in Bendy, and since you aren't fully aware of his mental state, you decide that right now would not be the best time to try and alert him of your whereabouts. First, you will try and do everything that you can on your own to not only minimize the risk of danger and time, but it will also give Bendy a longer and proper period to calm down. Your body was weak and tired, but if you can move, then you can run. Probably. Truthfully, you wished that you could help both of them, and you really didn't want to wander around the studio alone, but you'll make it. You'll have to.

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