Chapter 56: The Conversation

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A/N: For those of you that do celebrate Christmas, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I want to thank you all for the positive and encouraging comments in which you have given me, they never fail to make me smile. Honestly, your words are the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. Now I know it's a day late, but nevertheless, whether you celebrate it or not... MERRY CHRISTMAS READERS!!! Like always, make sure to comment, star, and most importantly... ENJOY!


-Your P.O.V.-

You could feel it as your palms grew sweaty, fingers curling around the cloth laying directly over your chest desperately. You were a wreck thanks to what Alice had said, and you hated it. Hated how pathetic and weak it made you feel.

Honestly, you consider yourself to be a pretty strong person. Maybe not strong in the fighting sense (although you do know self defense), but you rather consider yourself to be strong in an emotional sense. No matter what sort of challenges come your way, you will always attempt to tackle them head on in your own style, in you're own passive way. Maybe it was because you have avoided becoming like your father for what seemed like your entire life, or maybe it was because of the fact that this studio has made you question your beliefs more times than you could count, but finding out that your Grunkle had fallen victim to this studios violent ways... That thought absolutely scared the metaphorical shit out of you. The more your attack lingered, you found that the panic you felt about your Grunkle killing was lessening, and instead a new and much more terrifying thought had swept over your mind; how easy it would be to end up like your Grunkle down here.

That thought made your shaking increase to the point that you are now barely in control of your body. It certainly didn't help that all the while during your panic, the Angel was being completely silent, not so much as a whir coming from the ancient speaker. In a way, you found the quiet to be deafening.

However, the quiet didn't last long, for after a few more beats of silence, Alice decided she had waited long enough. "What's wrong with you? Why are you all shaky? Are you dying? Also, can you stop sweating? It's gross."


"Could that deafening silence come back now?" You thought to yourself as irritation was quick to claw its way into you. You knew Alice was heartless, but seriously, what a bitch! Maybe you weren't as emotionally strong as you made yourself out to be, for before you could stop yourself, you had made the half-assed decision of opening up your mouth.

"Shut up." You said under your breath with a sneer upon your features.

"What was that? I apologize, but it seems that I am having difficulty hearing you over your gross sweat and shaking." Alice questioned all sing-song like, making you grit your teeth in agitation. You needed to keep it in, you can't get mad and yell at her. You need to get home, and Alice is the only one who can provide this luxury to you.

However, you found that the more she talked, the less you had cared about going home and more you wanted to punch her right in her perfect little face.

"I don't know why you care about that Henry of yours so much. I mean, no offense darling, but the man was a scrawny, and pathetic lose-"

"What was that?" You cut her off as you stood up off your knees, anger of her talking crap about your family washing entirely over your earlier panic. How dare she? HOW. DARE. SHE? "You dare call him pathetic? You dare call him a loser? That man was my hero!" You screamed, hands balled up into tiny destructive fists.

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