Chapter 44: Dead Susie (Part 1)

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WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive content that includes bodily disfigurement and mature themes (along with other themes that are already put in the tags). Viewer discretion is advised.


The little girl sat crying in the back of her mothers car, rubbing her 5 year old eyes as her guardian continued to throw mean words at her. She just got back from her after-school daycare, and to the little girl's confusion, her mother was mad. But why?

"You're hideous, Susie. I can't believe just how ugly you really are... Where did I go wrong?" Her mother questioned as her grip became tighter on the steering wheel. All the while, the little girl continued to sob.

She didn't know what she did wrong, but what she did know was that after that day, her mothers insults had never stopped.


A little girl sat alone on top of the slide.

A boy looked up at the girl, smiling wide.

Disinterested, the girl looked away.

Now determined, the boy came back the next day.


"Your daughter's adorable Aletha!"

"She's a spitting image!"

"She'll be a real catch when she's older!"

The little girl stood there, smiling all the while right along with her mother. Her mother was considered to be the towns gem, a rare beauty indeed. With her pale skin and long silky black hair that stopped at her hips, to her curvy body and perfect facial features. Her eyes were a mesmerizing hazel that seemed to breathe a life of its own. Her mother was beautiful, and the little girl didn't stray far from her parent's natural beauty.

The older women had continued to coo at the 7 year old girl for a bit longer, all the while, the pair continued to smile. But what the senior's didn't notice was how neither of their smiles had seemed to reach their eyes.


The next day, the boy came up to the girl,

Her beauty was truly so out of this world.

Her hair done in a ponytail with curls,

Her eyes glanced over at the boy who looked like he had hurled.


"Don't believe what those old women say about you. You're nothing like me. You're just an ugly little girl that nobody will ever love."

The mother told her daughter once they got back home after the encounter with the elderly women, her eyes cold and lifeless as she stared down at her only child.

After the old hags, her mother had decided to drag her little girl home, not wanting the hideous child to receive anymore attention that she already had been given. She needed her daughter to know how truly ugly, how truly horrifying she actually was.

"Do you understand?" The woman asked, hand resting on the doorknob. Solemnly, the girl shook her head up and down. With that, her mother left.


After some time, the pair had begun to converse.

The boy talked to the girl, however, their one sided conversation only seemed to make his anxiety worse.

"Why so frightened, boy?" The girl asked him one day.

The boy melted at her concern, feeling absolutely gay.

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