Chapter 46: The Pandora's

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A/N: MUAHAHAHA! I got WI-FI! Well, technically i'm "borrowing" wi-fi from the bar next to our apartment. I should've felt guilty, but I didn't, since over the summer, they upgraded their speakers and changed their music to that pulsating beat shit. I still felt bad stealing their guest's wi-fi however, but when I looked up their phone number to get the password (since many passwords to wi-fi are phone numbers), all my sympathy shot out the window when I saw that they would be open till 2:30 a.m.. Pulsating music until 2:30 a.m., all the while i'm sick.

Yeah, they'll be just fine.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy!


-Your P.O.V.-

"H-hey Boris?" You managed to stumble out, making the gentle wolf who had his arms wrapped around you moments prior to shoot his head up.

Although your expression was blank, your mind was anything but. At the moment, you were contemplating whether or not you should tell Boris about the experience that you just had with the devil himself. What makes the decision so difficult is that it couldn't be more obvious to you that Bendy has traumatized the kind cartoon in some way (which honestly pisses you off to extents that you can't even form into words).

On one hand, if YOU were Boris, then you'd wanna know what happened, no matter how awful or traumatizing the results of those words may be towards your mental health. But on the other hand, you know for a fact that you are not the wolf, and you don't know Boris well enough yet to know his limits or what he would wish for.

At that moment, the classical ding of the elevator echoed as the metal gates had managed to scrape themselves open, exposing the floor of level 9. Without looking around, you already knew what was here, what was in this very studio.

Ink coated sepia, and deformed monstrosities that are unable to ever find peace roam the dead halls. Red mixed into obsidian so deeply to the point that the black can only be recognized as blood due to it's irony smell, and pain so strong that it cries and wails throughout the building as it creaks and groans in union. This place was hell on earth.

This studio contains humans whose lives were ruined by frickin cartoons, and cartoons whose lives were ruined by selfish humans. What makes matters worse is that they all have to live in some fucked up harmony that only exists due to the common fear towards the ink demon. Very few rebel against him from what you have seen, and Boris... Boris happens to be one of these rebels. Bendy may scare him, Bendy may make him weak, yet Boris still stands against him.

Yeah... The wolf should know what happened between you and Bendy, and you should tell him whether he likes it or not. If you don't tell him now, you just know that this withheld information will come back to bite the both of you later, and you can tell that this sort of bite would leave a very ugly scar.

"Boris" At the mention of his name, Boris's ears perked up as he looked over at you, waiting for you to speak.

"Bendy saved my life."

To your surprise, underneath his long flews, there was actually a mouth. You found this out as his jaw is currently dropped to the ground in shock towards your confession. It seemed like he has yet to react since he is still only in the shock stage. You have no idea how he'll take it, just hopefully not too poorly. However, knowing the wolfs traumas, you'd be shocked if he could actually handle it well.

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