Chapter 30: The Hangover

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-Your P.O.V.-

Everything was dark and quiet. Not even the sounds of your own breaths could be heard as you stood there. Reaching out your arms in order to find out if you could see anything, anything at all, what you came to look at shocked you.

Your hands were so tiny...

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." A familiar man spoke in disappointment, which in turn made you shoot your head up at the illuminated figure. You stared at him in shock and confusion as you attempted to form the needed to ask questions in your head. However, despite your dilemma, he continued to speak, as he just shook his head back and forth.

"Look at what you have become"

Against your will, your head shot down to your hands, which in turn made you elicit a throaty scream.

They were back to your regular hands, your adults hands, but that's not what made you scream. What made you scream was the fact that they were coated in ink and blood. Your eyes began to water at the sight as your body trembled.

"Just like me... I'm so proud"

You shot your eyes back up at your father, but who met your eyes indeed wasn't your fathers. Instead, it was a familiar pair of silver eyes. A man in a wheelchair whose name you did not know.

"I see you've picked up where I left off... Good for you child. Now then, if you were to consume just a little bit of ink, then you can become ageless. Isn't that great?" You opened your mouth to scream at the psychopath in front of you, but found that no words were able to come out. Tears had begun to steam down your face with your lack of voice as you shook your head frantically back and forth. Beginning to curl up into a ball, what stopped you from crouching down was a pair of familiar lips against your neck.

"Come on babe, why don't you just give in to the temptations? I know you want it."

Shooting your head back so you could yell at your offender, the only person who was staring into your eyes was a pair of a much more youthful cut silver. He was covered in tattoos and piercings, and to your horror, was also covered in blood. What made it even worse though, was his right arm, the same one that was impaled all those years ago.

You weren't necessarily scared of the arm...

You were more scared at the lack of it.

Strings of meat and skin hanged out of the gaping cut like dental floss wound as blood pooled off his half appendage onto the floor. A little bit of white was exposed from the middle, and the entire appearance almost reminded you of a piece of poorly managed T-bone steak. You wanted to hurl.

"Y/N... You did this to me." Rocky spoke as his eyes were blown wide and his lips twisted into an insane smile. "And now... You're gonna do it to others."

"I-I would ne-"

"But you already did Kiddo." Your guardians voice cut into your own. Shooting your head to the right of you, a familiar figure stood there with his head down-cast.

"Gr-Grunkle, I-!"

"You're a monster Y/N." He cut in to your words of protest yet again. "I sent you to the studio to fix things, but instead you beat up a creature in suffering and left Sammy to die. I am very disappointed in you." Your Grunkle said as he shook his head back and forth in disappointment. 

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