Chapter 34: The Untainted

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-Your P.O.V.-

You just knew, a voice seemed to scream at you in the back of your head that once you leave the safe house... You'll never be able to get back in. In all honesty, a large part of you didn't want to leave. Not because you liked it at the sanctuary, in all truth that's far from it (you're sick of the ink), but because you know that once you leave, you will not be safe again for a long while. That's what your gut seemed to scream at you. Not to mention, you'll miss your new friend.

With a shaky sigh, you set out the now open door, only to jump what seemed like ten-thousand feet when you saw that Boris was already outside, calmly waiting for you. What startled you even further was that he had a bone in his mouth. You definitely weren't expecting that. However, the sight was cute as hell nonetheless.

Holding back an awe for the adorable ink wolf, you had begun walking down the poorly lit hallways all by yourself. When you turned a corner to see a Bendy poster placed right up against the point of a wall, the adoration that you felt for Boris disappeared almost immediately at the sight.

There it was again... That feeling of unease. Like you were being watched. Not to mention, you felt... Faint?

With a shake of your head, you told yourself that you were just being paranoid, and continued walking. The reassurance quickly left you however when you laid eyes onto a who-knows-how-long hallway that was pitch black. There was no way in hell that you were going through that hall, not without some light.

And thankfully, as if your prayers had been answered, what you assumed to be a vintage 1940's military flashlight was placed calmly on a desk that was only a mere inch or two to your right. With a sigh of relief, and remembering the old flashlights that your Grunkle had owned, you successfully turned the large trinket on, and immediately, the pitch dark hallways filled with a slight yellow glow.

Walking in, what you met your eyes with was a machine hooked up to the wall that had levers and gears which spewed smoke due to who knows how long the thing has been been on. As you turned the corners, you noticed that a large and long section of the flooring had a grate over it which covered up pipes that you could only assume were for ink. With a sigh from both you and Boris which was now coming from your behind, you had begun to walk through, the hissing and mechanical whirs only seemed to get louder the more you traveled. However, at only a few steps in, you realized that Boris was not following you.

"Boris?" You said aloud as you shot the flashlight back, and sure enough, the pure-hearted cartoon was still at the now-closed gate, crouching onto the ground as he was shaking like a leaf. Your eyes now tender and concerned, you crouched your own body down to the cartoon character, setting the flashlight in front of the pair of you, and gave him a hug.

"It'll all be okay. The dark scares me quite a bit too. But I promise, we'll make it through this, and I will allow NOTHING to harm you along the way. Understand?" You asked his shaking form which you wrapped yourself even closer to.

By your words and actions, Boris visibly calmed down as he stood up off the floor. Then, with a positive shake of his head in conformation to your words, you took his hand in yours, allowing him to walk in front of you as you made sure to keep the flashlight on his body. You didn't want him being scared again.

From there it was a long walk down the curving and filled with turns hallway. Scattering was heard above the pair of you at one point, which you both had decided to dutifully ignore.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, you reached the end of the pathway, the hallways having now a dim light, to both yours and Boris's relief. Unfortunately for your duo team however, the gate was locked.

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