Chapter 58: The Solution

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-Your P.O.V.-

Walking out of the elevator, you immediately went to the edge of your fenced in perimeter.

You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. This place, this horrid abyss, is utterly huge. As wide as a stadium, and ceilings as high as hundreds of year old trees. You stood atop a large wooden platform, and the ground underneath you contains oceans of black which travels as far as the eyes can see. The smell of old paper and mildew made you scrunch up your nose while the dozens of dead cartoon beings in which had surrounded your feet made your mouth turn down in disgust and distaste. The entire scene was both brutal and horrifying.

A loud thud made both you and Boris shoot your heads over, pupils wide and bodies alert. Trailing your eyes over and up, you were quick to flood with relief with the realization that the noise came from Bendy, who stood on the other side of the platform from you, allowing your shoulders to relax. However, that relief you contained was soon replaced with partial unease as you saw that the thud from seconds prior came from an obviously fresh body of one of the mutated butcher gang members. And, judging by Bendy's very black glove and other surfaces which were supposed to be white, he did some cleaning up before you came down.

Seeing your form, Bendy had begun to slowly approach you. Opening your mouth to say something, you quickly cut yourself short as a loud thud to your right made you and Bendy shoot your heads over. The noise was Boris, who now sat on his rump, legs lifted and alert while his gloved hands were spread out behind his back. His body was shaking oh so terribly. Despite the fact he was seated, you knew that this canine was ready to dash away at the drop of a dime.

Before Bendy could get any closer to you (or Boris for that matter), you immediately rushed over to the ink demons side, putting your hand in his humanoid own. "Let's go look around, alright?" You asked the not so little devil, making him stutter as you pulled his arm so he was farther from Boris. You felt sorta bad for leaving Boris like this, but you really don't want him to have another panic attack.

Walking down the staircase, you had quickly noticed that the platform you were on was 3 stories tall, including the bottom floor which was flooded with ink. Curving around, you soon found yourself on top of one of the staircases, the leftmost set to be specific. Seeing just how deep the ink was, it was there you had an epiphany.

You were royally fucked.

Honestly, you were such a damn dumbass.

"Bendy, i'm totally screwed." You muttered to yourself as you crouched down, resting your head in your hands and elbows on your knees. Bendy, most likely confused and uncomfortable, had proceeded to shuffle around a bit. "Why?" He asked.

"Getting ink into me... It'd be deadly, right? Well, deadly for my humanity."

"Yes" The demon confirmed with a hum.

"Then that pile of ink, that literal ocean in front of us, were to get past my bandages and into my wound... what would happen to me?" You questioned rhetorically, eyes dragging up to his oversized form. You immediately noted how his perma-grin was now parted, the corners of his mouth tugged down with his similar conclusion. At this rate, you won't be able to complete your task. Honestly, how will you ever be able to explain to Alice the reason as to why? Knowing her, she'd make you do the task anyhow. It was hard enough to talk her out of the killing, but this one? No way in hell are you that lucky.

"I... I could carry you."


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