Chapter 61: The Dislocated

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A/N: I am NOT a doctor nor professionally trained in any kind of way. What I describe here is what I know from research, so I may or may not be accurate. Warning: detailed medical procedures will be described in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised.


-Boris's P.O.V.-

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Alice screamed between her hysterics at the unconscious Y/N who is sprawled across the elevator floor. Looking at her, Boris could immediately tell that something was wrong with the H/C girls hip, as her entire leg was bent inwards. It looked bad.

The wolf... Honestly, he can hardly believe it. In truth, Boris had heard the entire exchange, and even after hearing it himself, he can still hardly comprehend what had just happened. On her own, Y/N had devised an ingenious plan in a matter of seconds that was able to defeat the Bendy look-alike with minimal assistance. She pretended to be selfish to get herself thrown, knowingly got herself hurt, ignored the pain of her injury, egged on a vicious creature to chase her all so that she could lure it to the elevator and kill it. The fact that Y/N had ended a life, as torturous as that sort of life must've been for the creature, is shocking on its own even without the huge plan that she devised to do the deed with. It just comes to prove that in this place, in this studio... well, it can be hard to stick with morales when it comes down to the base need of survival. Boris has killed before, although he's not proud of it, he has. Knowing Y/N, she may feel quite broken about it when she wakes up, but still... She saved lives today, and that fact cannot be denied. One cannot help but admire that sort of bravery and selflessness.

A loud and vicious roar shook the inky walls, making Boris shoot his head up at the speed of light to the source. There was Bendy, still in his monstrously sized beast form coming up towards the elevator, mouth open and claws digging harshly into the aged wood. Even with just a glance, the kindhearted cartoon could instantly tell that this was bad. He looked... Unhinged.

Boris shot his body over to the elevator panel, ready to push the needed buttons to get them out of there, but before he pressed any button, he stopped himself. The ink hearts. The ink hearts that Y/N had just risked her life for. They're still out there. Knowing this, Boris could hardly believe what he did next.

He got out of the elevator.

Inky sweat pooling around his eyebrows, Boris shot himself out of the elevator and over to the hearts and grabbed all of them, Bendy hearing the noise from above making him quicken his pace. As his life literally depended on it, the wolf ran back to the elevator and tossed the hearts down, slamming the level 16 button over and over despite the door being closed. Right when the elevator started moving up is when Boris caught sight of Bendy. He was right up against the fencing which blocked off the elevator, grabbing it with such force that the metal dented slightly into itself. The wolf could hardly believe it, but... He made it. Crouching down, Boris started shaking Y/N awake.


-Your P.O.V.-

Cicadas hummed and leaves swayed, the sun bantering down the fifteen year olds body through the open window as she worked on her laptop, different papers and notes and other miscellaneous items scatted across the dining table. Deep bags hung underneath her eyes as sore hands scratched at disheveled H/C hair, grunts and sighs escaping her form in irritation.

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