Q/A Answers

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Happy New Year my readers! To kick the new year off, I had decided that I will be posting the answers from my Q/A! I know Q/A's aren't exactly "exciting" (Lord knows that me as a reader rarely reads them...) but I was just so appreciative of all the feedback in which I had received! So, after reviewing everything in which you guys had responded to me with (all of which i'm thankful for), I guess i'll just jump right in to the answers!

For the first question in which I had posted (who is your favorite character in which I have presented in this story?), I was a little shocked by the results, but not too much. I was expecting Y/N to get some votes in, but I could just be a little biased since she is an OC. COnsidering the context, you could also view this question as a popularity poll in a sense, so me being the statistic geek that I am, I had decided to show you guys the results of the most popular characters are.

First place comes Bendy with the majority of votes!

First place comes Bendy with the majority of votes!

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Then comes in the sweet ol' wolf Boris.

Then comes in the sweet ol' wolf Boris

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Finally, both Sammy and Henry are tied in place for third!

Finally, both Sammy and Henry are tied in place for third!

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You guys are free to download, screenshot, and do more for the pictures that I posted above

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You guys are free to download, screenshot, and do more for the pictures that I posted above. These are just some of my personal favorite lines that have been in the story thus far that I wanted to share with you guys! None of the pictures above are mine, and all proper credit should go to the artists/Joey Drew Studios. 

Now questions 2 and 3 were questions that were more focused around me gaining insight on what you guys like in your content, which means that you are still very welcome to comment on those questions! But due to the fact that it was more of a comment to the author (me), I decided that I won't be bringing either of those comments in. 

Thus, we will be jumping straight to question four: What sort of things would you like to see happen in this story? 

I. Simply. Adored the feedback I got on this question! You guys are seriously so imaginative, you gave me even more ideas! Now, reading the feedback, there were 2 comments on question four that I wish to shed some light on: Bendy being a yandere. One person commented that they want to see Bendy as a yandere, while another said that they do not. This was sorta funny to me since on ArchiveOfOurOwn, I had a debate with one of my two longest readers about this very same topic a while back. My reader and I had both agreed that Bendy is indeed unhinged (he hears voices and has sociopathic tendencies), but we both don't necessarily consider him to be a yandere. I myself consider Bendy to be a "half yandere" (actually when I think about it, Bendy is much closer if not a complete yangire), and I think that at this moment in the story, Bendy is more just teeter-tottering on sanity and insanity. Thus, it is impossible to determine if he is or isn't. I have no idea what i'm going to do with Bendy. Could I see myself writing him having a psychotic break? Yes. Could I see myself writing him as a yandere? Probably not. 

On question 5, I was very happy to read that I am doing everything perfectly (as a very long time faithful reader had oh so kindly put it.) If there is anything you do end up thinking of in which I can improve on, just let me know! Now finally, we can go to the personal questions in which you guys had for me. 

Question 1 (From MoxyXxxx): AIGHT IVE GOTTA QUESTION! Are you doing ok? You hangin in there? 🙂

Answer: Honestly, I'm doing about the same. You get used to stressful situations, but being stressed is just a part of life. As I typed this, I was outside in 40 some degree Fahrenheit weather, and honestly, it's kinda funny. What's was going through my mind is nothing about how cold it was, but rather how beautiful life is. I heard birds chirping, and saw kids running. The sun occasionally shined down on me and I could still feel the heats kisses despite my hood. Just pass the trees to my left, I could watch as the sun sets. Also my fingers are frozen. Honestly though, just observing the remaining good in the world and the beauty of life can really be healing. So I guess, in that sense, I am doing a better. I'll get there :)

Question 2 (From Sammi92306): Ok what's your favorite color?

Answer: BLUE! That, and black. I will only wear blacks and greys (sometimes white), and/or blue. You know, it's always funny whenever I think back on my old favorite colors. My first favorite color was pink, and now I hate it! Hell, at one point my favorite color was clear! I don't even think clear is a fucking color!


Wait, is it?

Question 3 (From Cutypup27): Are u excited for bendy and the dark revival? If so what are u hoping for in the game?

Answer: Yes! I am still a little bitter with the company (I am super stubborn), but the new game looks really good! I saw the trailer the other day, and I was thoroughly impressed. One thing that I would LOVE to see in Dark Revival is BACKSTORIES! It's hard to think up backstories for all these characters, and I know for a fact that my backstories are not accurate. I would love to see what the characters lives were before Henry happened!

Question 4 (From NightmareDevil66): Ink Demon is my favorite character that you have developed in this story and I was wondering will you have these to either do smutty stoof or become lovers or anything

Answer: No smut! None at all! There's actually a reason why I made Y/N asexual, and it is because Bendy is technically asexual himself. Given, they're both different types of asexual, but I still feel like that would make their relationship better due to no lust being on either sides. You see, I want this fan-fic to focus on plot and raw emotions. Also,  I just really don't want to make Bendy sexual, I feel like there are already so many sexual BATIM stories out there, not to mention I have zero experience writing smut. As for Y/N and Bendy being lovers, I have no idea. Yes, they will definitely have a very unique bond and be fluffy as hell, but i'm still playing with the idea of them being romantic with one another. I don't know if they will be lovers, but what I do know is that there will definitely be something there ;)

Once again, thank you all for the great responses. If you would like me to do another Q/A, then please let me know. The support I receive is always immensely appreciated!

Also, here are some shout outs for the participants of the Q/A. If you do not wish to be mentioned, then please just private message me and I will take your username down right away!

Omega 3-B (Thank you for answering all of my questions!)






plus all my readers :)

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