Chapter 78: The Throne

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-Your P.O.V.-

You are dreaming...

In the dream, you are in the middle of a field.






And green grass littered with fuzzy dandelions covered the landscape as far as the eye could see, the bright sun beating down from above as the few staggering cumulus clouds glided across the opaque blue sky.

For some reason, you were in a dress. A very simple white dress, with the skirt ending at your knees. It almost reminded you of those Victorian nightgowns that you remember from so many of the Disney movies that you watched in school during your early childhood.

Turning around in circles, you scanned the field, only for your eyes to stop on a single tree. In the middle of a slight hill, right at the tip-top, stood the most fascinating tree in which you have ever seen in your life. Walking towards it, you found the tree's image becoming more and more clear.

The tree was divided in half: on one half, the tree was covered with huge and vibrant green leaves, healthy and strong oak brown bark supporting the hefty acorns it carried. The other half though... it was brittle, black, and dead. Its leaves were practically non-existent, the colors lifeless and negative. It looked that if you we're to even touch it, this opposing half of the tree would crumble.

Yet, despite knowing just how fragile this half of the tree was, you still proceeded to touch it. Ever so gently, you glided your fingers across its loose bark, and as a result, the other half of the tree had starting dying.

"NO!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, only for the growth of death to stop. Over your young hand (since when did your hand become so small?) was a wrinkled own, and with a simple touch, the entirety of the tree came back to life.

You breathed out a sigh of relief, your anxiety over losing your other half saved. Turning your head around in order to thank whoever helped save the tree, your eyes were met with nothing.

For some reason, this made you tear up. In response, the tree started rotting away once more- branch by branch, leaf by leaf- only until a single healthy acorn remained on the tree.

"That's right..." You mumbled out under your breath, "Rocky's still alive... but Rocky left, just like HE did... However, even if they're gone... How would they feel seeing you like this?"

You didn't want to let them down. This thought filled you with determination. So, walking over towards the nearly dead tree, and stepping up onto your tippy toes, you picked the last living acorn, holding it close to your chest.

"I won't let you die" you repeated over and over again as you covered the seed between your palms. "I won't let you give up. I just have to wait. Wait until you sprout."

And wait you did, as the sun gave way to the moon and the moon gave way to the sun. Your hands grew bigger and bigger, the previously loose dress you were wearing now going up to your mid-thighs. Despite the shorter length, the dress fit your body perfectly.

Removing the acorn from your chest and freeing it from your palms, you found but a small sprout in place of the seed. Seeing this made you smile, giving you purpose as you dug a small hole to set the seed in. Once you covered the surrounding spout with dirt, you sat down and watched the tree grow.

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