Chapter 72: Anniversary Special! (Part 4)

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Title: A Lifetime in a Day

Requested by: Sagoberattare

Scenario: Oneshot after they escaped, like a year or two with Bendy, Boris and her traveling around and simply enjoying the world outside of the studio? Maybe ooing and awing over something thats common like colored tv?


-Your P.O.V.-

Honestly, you weren't exactly sure what you were expecting. You see, today was your birthday, and just like you have since your Grunkle died, you were planning to simply spend your birthday by yourself. When Rocky found out about your birthday though, he had planned on spending your birthday with you, but unfortunately, some things came up that made it impossible for him to do so. So, when you went over to the studio to hang out, and ended up telling Boris and Bendy how your plans with Rocky were cancelled, truthfully, you were expecting something. What you weren't expecting however was to have to rent a 26 foot moving truck for 40 dollars to transport Boris and Bendy over to your shitty studio apartment for the day.

Getting the two of them into the back of the truck was pure hell. Bendy couldn't even fit into the thing standing, and ink got splashed everywhere. Boris meanwhile was panicking about the dark, forcing you to have to give him your phone so he could use its flashlight. However, halfway there, the god-damn battery died. Boris pounding through the vehicle was what alerted you of it, so you had to pull over at a gas station to get an old car USB adapter (for future emergencies) along with a flashlight. But naturally, you couldn't just go in and out of the gas station, oh no. You had to convince the oh so great ink demon himself to 'let you go' in, because apparently, 'you would most likely die without him'. So, in total, about 45 minutes of your day was wasted at a gas station.

As if that all wasn't enough, you found yourself faced with an entirely new challenge once arriving home; getting them upstairs. You didn't exactly have a fire escape, and in order to get inside, you'd have to go into the building, through the lobby, up the elevator, past your asshole neighbors, and finally get inside. You couldn't help but beat yourself up at your lack of planning. Luckily though, you had an idea, and honestly, it was completely, for lack of better words, fucking stupid.


You wore your clown suit.

You got it for halloween a couple years back; a super creepy murderer clown suit. Your Grunkle got this for you, while he got himself a matching one. Scaring all those children on halloween night sure was fun... Anyhow, you figured that by wearing this, your neighbors would simply chalk it up that you were all wearing costumes. So, when you went upstairs, put the clown outfit on, then went back downstairs to Boris and Bendy, you definitely weren't counting on being nearly killed by Bendy when he laid his eyes on you. Dumb move on your part. After explaining everything though, luckily, it was easy from there on out.

Just kidding. Did you really think it would be that easy?

All of your neighbors were staring at you three like a fucking walking talking freak show, Boris was fucking petrified the entire walk, and Bendy deemed everybody a threat to your well being. You told the idiot to keep his face still and ink solid so it'd look like a mask, but that only lasted for 20 seconds before you found yourself talking your neighbor out of calling pest control. "The vehicle was humid, which is making the costumes wax melt" You said. "It smells like that because of the wax brand" You said. "That misty black stuff on the ceiling? Oh, how did that get there!?" You said.

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