Chapter 15: A/N (Part 1) +Timeline!!!

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A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to the end of part 1! By part 1, I mean the end of the video-games chapter 1! I'm sorta basing this story loosely on the video game (if you haven't noticed yet), but with more feels and getting to know the characters (also fluff). I plan on having 6-7 parts in total for the story, but anythings possible~!

You will know when I reach the end of a part if there is an authors note for the next chapter. The authors note will pretty much be explaining any questions that you guys have had that I can answer. At least that's what I plan on doing in the future...

I also will be posting the Authors note on the same day that I post the last chapter of each part. That way you guys can still get your reading in, because like I have said many times, as a reader, I HATE Authors notes! Especially when the authors do authors notes every other chapter! 

Anyhow, on to the next half of this Authors note!

Just in case if anybody has been confused with the order of events for the story, I have decided to create a timeline so you can all have a visual representation of the stories events! I may end up creating another one since I do plan on introducing more events (and characters), so I guess we could maybe call this Timeline Part 1 in the future? I have no idea. Only time will tell!

Oh boy though, this story got plot plot plot! I was expecting that I would be writing more fluff than this, but Jesus I guess I did say this was a slowburn!

I know i'm not the greatest writer, hell I know sometimes my writing can suck depending on my mood/drive, but knowing that not only people are reading this, but are in fact enjoying this!? It means the absolute world to me! TvT

After ALLLL the chapters that I have written thus far, we will be resuming the actual story-line. Like I mentioned above, I have been basing this loosely on the actual video game, but with obvious changes/encounters since this is still an AU. I also plan on having most if not all cartoon characters alive. Later on I will have a chapter explaining as to how they survived.

I do plan on the story breaking away from the video-game in the future, and when it does, we will get a TON of fluff. Like there will still be fluff before then, but there will be a shit-load later on. Maaaybe even romance, idk, I get iffy about romance. There'll definitely be something there between Bendy and Y/N though.

Another final final thing! In case you guys didn't notice this either, when chapter titles have the name of a character in it, then the story will be written in 1st P.O.V. of that character! If it does not have the name of a character in it and the title of the chapter starts with "The", then it will be written in 2nd P.O.V.! I have found that I can switch P.O.V. with the readers (hopefully) being aware by titling my chapters a different way. It's fun to experiment.

Anyhow, without further ado, here is the timeline! 



1944: Henry started working at Joey Drew Studios at the age of 16 as errand boy.


1950: Henry was promoted to an animator/cartoonist


1960's: Studio's cartoon popularity plummeted.

1961: Bendy was created. He had no soul, thus making him have sociopathic, if not complete sociopath tendencies. Joey had begun experimenting on Bendy and the other ink creations.

1961-1962: Bendy had become an Ink Demon

1962: Boris's ritual failed. In turn, Bendy had killed Sammy, made Joey a paraplegic, and took over the studio.

May 3rd 1962: Joey Drew Studio's closed down.

1963: Henry had begun serving in the Vietnam war.


1971: Y/N's Mother was born

1975: Henry stopped serving in the Vietnam war (war ended), and ended up buying his own home in the countryside.


1982: Henry's Sister died, and his brother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's

1986: Henry's Brother died, and Henry became an alcoholic.

1989: M/N Stein (Henry's niece and Y/N's mother) convinced Henry to go to rehab for his addiction


1991: Henry was released from Rehab

1992: Henry received a letter from Joey Drew, asking him to return to the studio. All the events from the video game transpired from there. Afterwards, Henry had begun making cartoons for his local newspaper.

1996: M/N Stein became M/N L/N after she married F/N L/N


2000: M/N died while giving birth due to hypertension. Y/N was born.

2003: Henry's sister in law died from old age. Y/N met her father at the funeral and moved in with him. He began to mentally abuse her and lock her in a closet.

2005: F/N began to physically abuse Y/N.

2007: Y/N became an insomniac due to her father making pick up lines at her.

2008: Y/N's father told her that she will be the replacement for M/N. That same year, F/N was diagnosed with cancer.

2009: Y/N's father died. Social services contacted Henry, asking him to be the caretaker of Y/N. He accepted.


2010: Y/N told Henry that her father was abusive

2011: Henry found his old Bendy comics and introduced them to Y/N. She loved the comics.

2012: Y/N was attacked by a bear, but Henry saved her.

2013: Y/N became friends with a boy named Rocky. He left after summer break.

2014: Y/N had begun dating Thomas Grant. He had attempted to rape her. He was arrested and brought to jail for the next 5 years.

2015: Henry found out that he had brain cancer. Shortly after, he also found out that Bendy was alive.

2018: Y/N graduated. Henry Stein died. Y/N developed PTSD during her Major Depressive Episode

2019: Y/N arrives at Henry's old Storage unit and finds two letters, one written by Joey. Y/N decides to go to the studio, and from there, the story begins. (Also known as Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 13)

A/N: Hope this has helped. If anybody has any questions or wishes for the story, then please comment :)

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