Chapter 12: Y/N's Story (Part 2)

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-Your P.O.V.-

If it weren't for my Grunkle and his arrival, it was safe to say that I would've been raped. Thomas Grant was arrested shortly after and put in jail for the next five years.

To my shock, nobody at highschool was actually mad at me. I thought that since he was an all star student, that I would maybe be blamed for him ending up in jail.

In fact it was the opposite. Afterwards, many girls approached me saying that he's always been the type of guy whose only thought was to get in girl's pants, some even confessing that he succeded getting in theirs.

Thomas's friends told me that they thought that he changed after meeting me, and that he really seemed like he was in love this time around. They said that he was practically obsessed with me, but dismissed his obsession as just the first-love jitters. They told me that in the end, it looks like he had only changed for the worse.

High school became just another part of my everyday life. I didn't really try to make friends. Saw no point. I was never lonely though. My Grunkle would pick me up everyday for lunch, allowing me to go home and eat a home cooked meal. Sandwiches are an American classic.

You don't even necessarily need to talk in a classroom either, in fact, I found that paying attention to the teacher to be far more interesting than our schools gossip. Yeah i'd talk to people, but I never sat by them at lunch or hung out with them outside of school. I had class-friends, not true friends. Well, no true friends except my Grunkle.

High school was a boring and long journey, but once I reached the end of it, I was thrilled. Ironically enough, my birthday is on the last day of school for seniors who end school before all other kids. My grunkle was so proud, he even made a sign for me with drawings of Bendy, Boris, Alice Angel, and the Butcher gang on it!

When they called my name to receive my diploma, my Grunkle was hooting and hollering at me as he waved the wooden picket sign up and down like he was at a rally. Even as over half the auditorium turned to stare at him, he didn't stop. Thanks to him, I was not crying, and was instead found laughing in adoration at his sincereness. We always joked about him showing up with a sign at my graduation, who knew that he'd actually do it!

Afterwards, me and my Grunkle went out for dinner, and once we arrived back home, he pulled out a homemade cake for me from the fridge.

My Grunkle was never the best cook, but I usually found his stuff to be edible. His baking skills however were horrendous. I never knew it possible for someone to burn ice-cream until I met him. I still remember him arguing with me that "Putting ice-cream in an oven is just a quick way to let something defrost!"

So, when I bit into his cake, I was expecting to taste something terrible, but I instead found myself eating a smooth flavor that tasted very similarly to my favorite fruit.

"You like it?" My Grunkle asked. My eyes had stars in them as I looked up at him, head nodding up and down. A smile of his own formed onto his lips in response, and I watched in silence as he played with his folded hands on the table.

"I-It took a lot of tries, but... Y-your smile definitely makes it worth it Y-Y/N." I could feel tears well in my eyes at the sight of his cut up, burned and bandaged hands fumbling in place. Before I knew it, I found myself sitting up out of my chair and running over to my Grunkle, arms wrapping around his form as tears seeped from my eyes.

"I-I love you so much Grunkle. I don't know what I would've ever done without you. You changed my life, and I could never thank you enough." I said between my hysterics.

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