Chapter 14: Bendy's Creation (Part 2)

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-Day 51-

The ritual to return their defective product failed.

To my pleasure, the ritual failed.

Not once, not twice, but 27 times in which the ritual had failed.

I watched Joey freak out in silence, my tail swishing back and forth in amusement. It was somewhat funny to see such a collected guy like him flip out. The way he talked to himself as he paced back and forth, his odd human fists curling around the now longer locks of his hair... Yeah, this was prime-time entertainment.

With each experiment that Joey would try and use to fix me/destroy me failed, I could feel more of my empathy leak out each day as apathy filled the hollowed space where my empathy once was.

Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if I was a sociopath. I've always had the tendencies, I was born with them! But right now, I feel very little empathy about, well... Anything! Maybe those experiments to get rid of me/fix me were messing with my head.

I hummed a cheery cartoon tune that annoyed the man to no end. I was whistling through my lips at this point and I had a sudden urge to tap dance, just to irritate the man further.

Poor ol' Joey looked ready to strangle me! And little ol' Sammy in the background looked exhausted, his sleeping form sprawled across the same flooring that I slept on every night.

I continued to hum my tune, and not long after, I watched as Joey stopped his walking, his form shaking from behind as he suddenly shot his body back and glared at me.

"CAN YOU STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!?" He screeched. I watched with entertained eyes as the prior sleeping Sammy, whose legs were right underneath Joey's, jolted in shock and kicked him right in the balls!

Joey collapsed onto the ground in pain as Sammy rubbed his eyes, the whole situation eliciting a genuine giggle from me.

"Seems like you're in quite the nutty situation, eh Joey? " I said with a finger shot of my hand. By my response, Joey allowed a growl to escape from under his breath.

"Fuck you, Demon." Joey spat.

"Hm? W-where am I?" Sammy mumbled as he looked around.

"Sorry Joey, but I don't swing that way. Not exactly into gay pedophiles." I said with an overly exasperated huff.

Joey had a vein popping out of his forehead while Sammy's eyes were as wide as dinner-plates as he stared at Joey. He was trying very (not) subtly to scoot away from him.

"I'm not a fucking pedophile Sammy!" Joey screeched yet again, making Sammy jolt in surprise.

"So then... You're gay?" Sammy questioned with an honest to god confused expression. I was practically pissing my non-existent pants at this point.

Joey just sorta stood there, and finally, after a whole five minutes, he just sighed.

"I'm fucking done. Bendy, i'll be releasing you from your circle tomorrow."

And with that, Joey walked out, a very confused (and still questioning) Sammy following behind him. All the while, I sat there, feeling very pleased with myself at the fact that Joey had finally accepted my fine acting skills to be Bendy.

-Day 61-

I have been out for 10 days now, and so far I have done a great job in adjusting to my role as Bendy. Joey doesn't care where I wander as long as I don't interact with any humans or leave the building, and although the fact that I can't leave the building sucks, that's fine by me! Better than that damned circle anyhow.

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