Chapter 57: The Flatterer (Version 2)

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A/N: I have recently received messages from multiple readers of mine that my latest chapter, The Flatterer, is not loading correctly on certain devices. In order to counterattack this, I had decided to re-post the chapter once more. I didn't want to delete the original comments (which is what I believe would've happened if I had deleted the first post), so this will have to suffice. If you continue to have issues reading this chapter, please contact me immediately. Luckily, I have a plan B in case this doesn't work... 


-Your P.O.V.-

"A different level?" Bendy questioned, making you nod your head up and down in confirmation. "Yeah, and down there, I need to collect five ink hearts. Honestly, i'm kinda shocked to hear you guys even have hearts!" you exclaimed as you and Bendy walked up the stairs to the elevator.

"We... Don't." The Demon behind you mumbled, making you stop dead in your tracks as you looked back at him. "What!? Then how am I supposed to collect the hearts!?"


"We?" You parroted, making Bendy nod his head. "You... aren't doing this alone." Your eyes widened considerably as you turned your entire body towards him so you can really look at the not so little devil darlin'. His tall 8-foot body was stick straight, making him a literal foot taller than usual. His perma-grin was shockingly gone as he exchanged it in with the most serious expression that you've ever seen him have. His arms crossed in defiance, you knew right then and there that there was no (safe) way you could convince Bendy that he shouldn't accompany you. You've read his cartoons all throughout your childhood after all, so you know how stubborn the dancin' demon could be.

An affectionate chuckle was quick to escape your lips, head shaking back and forth in amusement. "Whatever you say buddy." Then turning your body back around, you had continued to walk towards the elevator, wet and sticky steps echoing behind you.

"So what am I supposed to be collecting if ink hearts don't exist?" You questioned, making the demon behind you pause in consideration. Allowing him to collect his thoughts for a minute or so, a deep rumble of confusion was what responded to you. "Mutants don't... neither do I... probably former human..." He explained, making you have to consider his words yourself. You had asked him about the ink hearts, and in turn, he responded with "mutants don't", and, "neither do I". In other words, Bendy and the mutants do not have hearts. But instead of saying that no creature down here had hearts, Bendy specifically said that he and the mutants don't, thus meaning that the last part of his sentence was referring to the type of beings that DO have hearts.


Oh shit.

The former humans had hearts. Humans turned ink being hearts, and that was what you were (most likely) collecting?


"Better than killing at least." You muttered under your breath.

"So, where will we be... going?" Bendy questioned a few minutes later, making you stop dead in your tracks with realization that Alice had never told you the needed floor, much less the general location. The only thing she mentioned was- "A deep inky abyss on a lower level?" You answered (more like questioned) as you turned your body towards Bendy once more, making him hum in consideration. "Probably level 14 then... no staircase to get there... I can teleport both of us... but best you take elevator." You nodded your head up and down frantically in agreeance as you then turned your body back around to continue walking. No way in hell do you feel comfortable using one of his portals, especially when it only takes a drop of activated ink to make you into an ink being, at least according to Sammy and that weird pentagram dream you had. Actually, now that you think about it...

"Hey Bendy?" You mused quietly, the demon walking up to your side so he could hear you better. "Do you... Um... Well, are you okay with me being human?"

His answer was immediate.

"Yes. You're perfect the way you are."

A sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding was quick to exit your lips. Now smiling, a small chuckle from his words escaped you at the mere idea of you being perfect the way you are. "You're quite the flatterer, huh?" Before he could respond to your words, you spoke once more, much more quietly than earlier. "Thanks Bendy."

Head down, you walked past the ink demon as you both separated your ways.


When you told Boris of your task, he had looked ready to shit himself from the shock. It certainly didn't help when you told the wolf of your heart theory. The worry expressed on his face seemed to voice every little drop of concern he had for you, all of the emotions in which he is unable to express. Unable to take his worry anymore, you reached up and patted his shaking shoulder to help him calm down.

"It's okay Boris. I'll be fine. Besides... Bendy will be with me." The shock on him from hearing the demon's name quickly faded to relief. You were surprised to see how calm the idea of Bendy accompanying you made Boris. Considering his PTSD, you were expecting consistent fear.

It really was odd. For some reason, the demon doesn't really seem to be a danger towards you. Besides the times he has lost his temper, Bendy always seems to act very careful around you. His words in which he speaks are always spoken with carefulness and consideration like a script, and each one of his actions in which he takes are taken with delicacy as to not scare you off. He makes no moves to touch you unless if needed, and he is always checking your body each time you meet in order to make sure you are unharmed. He has even killed his own ink brethren for you, to your displeasure, but in his eyes, their deaths were something that needed to be done in order to keep you safe. You still think that Bendy does not understand what it means to care for others, and you still believe that he views you as a character in a story, because honestly, why would he care for you? Yeah, you do like him, and although you still feel uneasy around him, you have to trust him due to the situation you have been put in. You need to take all you can get, and although Bendy really is unstable... he's trying. He is adjusting his actions and moves so you can feel comfortable, and if that isn't something, then you don't know what is.

In a sense, it does make, well, sense as to why Boris would be relieved. Bendy is the King of the studio, at least from what you've heard and seen. Although there are opposing forces, Alice's most likely being the largest, when it comes to the majority of the place, the demon is in charge. You never really thought about it much until now, but Bendy really has quite a lot of power over the studio. Thus, you should be better protected by Bendy's side. Yes, it does feel like you're using him, but what choice do you have? Down here, advantages are truly needed.

"Well" You spoke after zoning out for who knows how long (Thanks for the patience Boris), "Ready to go?" With an affirmative nod, you walked up to the elevator control panel and pressed level 14, the whir of the machine being your only response. The ride down was frankly quite a short one, and once there, you couldn't help it as the shock escaped your lips.

"Oh... my God"

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