Chapter 7: Bendy's Creation (Part 1)

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-Bendy's P.O.V.-

Don't most people have a mother or a father?

Well, I never did.

Maybe it was because I never was exactly living per se?

Welp, my point being is that my "life" started out quite complicated. I was born out of ink and a demon summoning.

I vaguely remember being a physical demon once upon a time, a demon that wasn't confined to the prison called ink. I was part of a demon that tempted man to hate. I believe the name I once went by was Soneillon.

Thanks to this Michaelis' guy writing a book or whatever, a part of this Soneillon's soul was able to be broken off of him, summoned forth and locked into an inky prison.

In other words, I am a very small piece of a powerful demon's soul which in turn had come to life, creating a whole new life of my own with only vivid memories of the souls past. Pretty fucked up, huh?

See, I told you my life start was complicated.

You know, on another note, I still remember the feeling of being broken off from my old soul. It was so so painful. Then, before I was even able to register or name the pain that I was experiencing, I was just covered in blackness. Inky and wet blackness. My mind, my body, that chunk of soul was just covered as it transformed into something else entirely...


-Day 1-

"He's coming to! Sammy, grab the rope!"

Black dotted my vision as I had attempted to rub my eyes back into focus. Finally, after a few blinks and a dozen of so more of a back and forth rub to my eyes, the blackness had went away from my vision. When I looked around, I was met with the gazes of two men.

One man had piercing silver eyes that seemed to have more sclera than iris. He had a large nose and a thin mustache along with crew cut brown hair. Small wrinkles adjourned his forehead as his thin eyebrows seemed to raise even higher at my stare. He looked to be in his mid to late 20's for the most part, if only it weren't for those wrinkles.

The other man had just come into my line of sight. In his hands, he had a spool of rope.

This man, or rather, this boy had large and round bright blue eyes that seemed to widen even further at the sight of me. He looked much younger than the other man, as his face still had some baby chub. He had shaggy and unkept golden blonde hair and pale skin that was dotted with freckles.

Both men were quiet as they just stared at me, so in return, I decided to stare back. I didn't really have anything going through my mind. After all, at that time, I was nothing more than just a blank slate. I thought that mimicking their actions seemed like the most sensible thing to do. So, I did just that, for what felt like hours.

In reality though, it was probably just a few minutes.

The silence seemed to make the two men's faces scrunch up, like they ate something sour. They seemed uncomfortable and I really couldn't understand why.

The silver eyed mans expression loosened first as a weird breath escaped his lips, almost like he was breathing in reverse. I later learned that what the man did was in fact called a sigh.

Finally, the said man spoke.

"You... What is your name?" The man questioned, and the question made me think.

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