Chapter 50: The Lumberjack

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A/N: To all of my old and faithful readers, all the way to my new and eager ones; I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know I say this often, but every-time I say this, every single time I truly do mean this. Thank you.

Happy 50th chapter.


-Your P.O.V.-

After delivering the valves to Alice Angel, and some intense motherly fretting from Boris, you finally found yourself on level K. Your task? Destroying 10 of Bendy's cut-outs. When you told the demon what you needed to do, he looked less than pleased.

"Isn't there any other way?" He asked, and to your horror, he was talking in complete sentences. Boy, he must've been pissed.

"Not that I know of, no." You explained, which made the demon give off a small audible growl. "Well then, find another way. That narcissist isn't cutting down any more of MY cut-outs."

He is really screwing you over right now, doesn't he know that you don't have many options in this place? If you complete Alice Angel's tasks, then you get to leave the studio! And you REALLY wanna get the hell out of here. You're malnourished, wounded, and just overall tired. You're in constant pain, and your body is sore beyond measure. You're pretty sure you lost some weight, and you definitely wouldn't be shocked if your cheeks have sunken in to your face. Point being, you need to get out of here and drive your ill ass straight to the nearest hospital to receive medical treatment, because at this rate, as much as you hate to admit it, you're gonna die.

"Bendy, I need to leave the studio." You said with clear exasperation.

And you thought his other growls were violent. By your words, a loud and intense growl rumbled from what seemed to be the very core of his being, exiting in such a manner that it was more akin to a roar at this point. The room shook ever so slightly at the intensity, and his ink... his ink was dripping onto the ground in thick drops, forming the once semi-clear surface with dark and black puddles.


Your eyes were wide and your jaw was slack in shock. You weren't sure what to do or say to this, after all, the demon was currently accusing you of attempting to abandon all of them!

After a minute or so, you finally seemed to find your words.

"I... wasn't planning on abandoning anybody." You said it so calmly and concisely that you could visibly see the tension leave from his body. His ink became less runny, and the black puddles on the ground had ceased their growth, to your ultimate relief.

"But if you leave the studio, then you're leaving us, leaving me..."

Your eyes were wide once again. Leaving him? No, it couldn't be. Was he... attached to you? But you guys barely know each other! Hell, you just started talking to him today! How could he get attached so quickly!? But wait... If he watches the studio 24/7 as he claimed earlier today, then does that mean that he's been watching you? You aren't gonna lie, the thought of that is super creepy, but at the same time, you knew that him observing you made sense. You were an intruder that was trespassing into his home, and what he considers to be HIS studio. Normally humans would call 911 or grab their shotguns, but Bendy doesn't have any of those given resources for protection. Which means that observing is his way of monitoring, his way of making sure that you wouldn't cause any harm to his most important place and possession.

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