Chapter 24: The Snack

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-Your P.O.V.-

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more..." The man named Sammy Lawrence said to you as he handed you a towel. You gave him a beaming smile in hopes of easing his worries in return as you poured a small amount of your bottled water onto the towel.

"It's no worries, this is more than enough." You said as you finally gave yourself some relief on to ink stained arms and feet as you rubbed the towel gingerly against your slightly irritated skin.

When you said that Sammy had done more than enough, you truly meant it. After he untied you, the man showed you to a bathroom. You were already extremely grateful for a chance to wash yourself free of the black, but before you were even able to begin, Sammy had came back into the bathroom with a hose and a towel. You were quite confused at first at the sight of the hose, even more so after he offered to wash your hair. Once he explained how bad it would be for you to accidentally get ink in your mouth, as that is how the transformation into an ink being starts, you gratefully accepted his generosity. Then, naturally, right as he finishes washing your hair, neck, and ears, the last working sink breaks down. Which leaves you to now, as you slowly dab your stressed appendages away from the ink.

Once finally feeling somewhat free from the tacky and flaking texture, you allowed yourself to finally indulge in a granola bar and the remainder of your water, making sure to leave some of the vital liquid for when you are thirsty later on.

You were in your undershirt at the moment, a cami, which you would NEVER wear but for some reason decided to do so today, which now you are quite grateful for, and your pajama pant legs that are rolled up, advertising your bumpy and scarred skin. You felt somewhat self-conscious at your exposure, but decided to disregard your low self-esteem considering that there is a literal human-turned-ink-monster sitting right in front of you, watching in fascination as you ate a fucking granola bar like you were an animal at a circus.

Swallowing your second to final bite thickly, you turned over to Sammy with an uncomfortable expression placed on your face.

"Um... You want some?" You asked with a shrug as you held out your granola bar for him to grab. It probably wasn't the smartest survival decision, especially considering that you will be down to five granola bars once finished with this one, but damn did you feel bad for the guy! All the food you've seen down here is that (expired) bacon soup! When's the last time he had anything else?

Sammy looked down at the granola bar, then back up at your face. He was maskless at the moment, allowing you to see his facial expressions. It's safe to say that you aren't the only one feeling self-conscious.

"I can't take your food away from you... We don't need it to survive." Sammy said with a wave of his hands, causing you to cock your head in confusion.

"We?" You questioned as you took the final bite, and your drying H/C hair swaying to the side simultaneously.

"Yes... I am not the only one in this studio who has been gifted of life by my Lord! We are all-!"

Sammy cut his speech short when he saw your scrunched up expression, his form stiffening completely as his arms that were risen up to the ceiling slowly fell back down to his sides. With a clear of his throat, Sammy sat back down.

"It's a... Work in progress" Sammy explained, which caused you to nod your head empathetically in understanding of the mans recent change of emotions.

"A-anyhow child, I am not the only intellectually aware ink being in this place. There are in fact plenty of others."

"But how?" You asked in confusion, "How are you all still alive? Are there any former employees here? You all seem healthy despite your old age, is that because of the ink? Who- what is all down here?"

Sammy seemed quite taken aback by your series of questions, but had decided to give you your answers as clearly as he could. You were a good kid, and Sammy didn't think you deserved to die. The more information you have, the higher your chance for survival. At least that's what Sammy would like to believe.

With another clear of his throat, Sammy began to explain.

"Well... We are alive because of the ink. I cannot tell you why, but it has immortal properties. If you drink the ink, and if my lor- I m-mean if Bendy chooses you, then you can become immortal. We stopped aging the minute Bendy had activated the inks immortal properties in our systems. As for who is all down here... Well let's see, we got Allison Angel and her partner Tom, Physical Alice and her narcissistic ass, and what else... Bertrum Piedmont, Jack Fain, Norman Polk, multiple clones of The Butcher Gang, Boris the Wolf, and then..."

"Bendy." You finished off for Sammy, making him nod his head up and down in response.

"Bendy." He confirmed once again as he stared into your eyes with his nonexistent own.

"He's... I guess you could say he's our boss, in a sense. No, boss isn't right... He's more like a God, yeah... Except he isn't a good god, rather he's a god that you never want to anger. A bad God in a sense, but he's a protector nonetheless. Impossible to get in his good graces, that I tell ya."

Sammy shook his downcast head bitterly in response as your mind was finally allowed to absorb all the new information.

It seemed like there was no Joey Drew around, meaning that he could very well be dead for all you know. That's a negative, but on the plus side, it does seem like Sammy knows a lot of the beings in the studio. Perhaps he could help you figure out the identity of the man that you told your story to?

"Hey Sammy?" You drew the mans attention, making him look back up at you.

"Hm?" He hummed out.

"I was wondering... The room that I went into after I found the axe, the one room with a pentagram and two coffins that causes you to have strange dreams. Do you know what i'm talking about?"

"Not about the strange dreams, but I do know the room you're speaking of." Sammy respond as he rested his chin on his fist, legs spread in a relaxed position.

"Good enough" You thought to yourself then continued.

"I spoke to someone there. Someone through the doorway that leads to your floor. Do you know who that could've been?"

Sammy's form stiffened as realization hit him.

"We... Have a lot to talk about."

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