Chapter 31: The Thoughts

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-Your P.O.V.-

You had been staying at Boris's sanctuary for about a week now. In that week of a time, you have been resting and have eaten all your granola bars, as well as drank all but three-fourths a bottle of your water. To say that you were worried about your chances of survival would be an understatement. You have told Boris of your fears with your starvation, which in turn had made him offer you some of that (expired) bacon soup, which you adamantly denied.

Because of the lack of safe to eat food, and not wishing to poison yourself, you have decided that you need to get a move on out of this place, and soon. At this rate, you will starve to death, or worse... Eat that bacon soup which literally says in small print, "Best to be eaten by August 27th 1968". For some reason, eating it scares you more than the literal ink monsters and demons that wish to kill you.

Then of course, there is still the mystery of the studio. You have plenty of questions for the place, none of which you believe can be answered. To be honest, you don't necessarily care if they are answered or not anymore. A small part of you still wants to learn more about your Grunkle, but with the missing Sammy along with the mute Boris, the chances of you finding out anything are very slim.

And we can't forget about that Bendy. When you tried to find out more about him from Boris, the mention of his name sent the poor wolf into a panic attack! You hugged him as his panic attack finished, since it seemed like his panic attack style is very similar to yours, and waited till he calmed down. He immensely appreciated it. From then on, you had decided not to bring up the dancin' demon to the sweet canine cartoon ever again, which leaves you by yourself to try and figure out the intentions that Bendy had towards you.

The first time you had met, he had shoved you down a hole. That shows clear aggression, possibly even intent to kill. However, if Sammy was right, then that means that the second time you met was through the door, when you talked to him of your past. He seemed... Quiet, to put it simply. You definitely didn't expect to have a heart to heart with a literal demon, but you did. He shared a bit of himself with you, while in turn you shared, well... All of you to him.


"What would you call somebody who killed every single human that ever directly or indirectly hurt him? What would you call somebody who kills innocent people just for them walking into his territory? What would you call a literal demon, a being that is and always has been referred to as a monster? WHAT WOULD YOU CALL THEM THEN, Y/N!?" The mysterious man screeched to you from the other side of the door. You grew silent as you began to gather your thoughts towards what the man had just told you.

Finally though, after some consideration, you responded to him.

"I would call them a being who had been deeply hurt to the point that they broke. I would call them a being that was so lost that they just didn't know their way back. I would call them a being that was never given a chance to be anything else other than a demon or a monster. I think... I think I would call them unfortunate."

A moment passed, then a heavy thump of a body could be heard from the other side of the door. In an instant, you could feel exhaustion come over you as your body grew heavier.

"Listen... I know I barely know you but... Think I could take a nap? That dream... It left me more tired than I was prior... I'd appreciate it if... You made sure nobody got in and..."


Then you literally just fucking passed out with a stranger that had locked you out of your escape and was in reality the literal demon that had tried to kill you that exact same day.

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