Chapter 39: The Angel

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-Your P.O.V.-

Grabbing the pipe, you made your way across. Once you had gotten to the other side of the lake of ink, the gate in front of you had creaked open, revealing a hall made entirely of metal. With a deep inhale, you could feel your shoulders tense as you made your way in. You were only about a minute or so into the small path when you came upon a larger wooden room.

This said wooden room being where you are standing right now, watching in horror as the mutant Edgar that had gotten the elevator amputation is currently being electrocuted, his body strapped to the familiar belted board during the entire process. You wish that there wasn't a glass screen in the way, otherwise you would've ran over to unstrap the little guy instantly.

Walking deeper into the room, you had finally noticed that it wasn't only you and Edgar inside.

With long raven hair and an expertly sculpted jaw, a curvy yet natural beauty of a woman had stood behind the glass.

With her skin tight short black dress which reached halfway down her thigh, and white bows above her chest and in the crease of her back had been expertly placed, giving the dress a seductive, yet cute appearance.

Her long black coated arms (which stopped below her shoulders), and legs (which covered every visible inch of her lower half), seemed to give the jane such an eerie look, almost like she had soaked her hands in black blood. She was both creepy, yet gorgeous.

Atop her head was a pair of small white horns, along with half of a halo. Her skin was a sepia yellow, and cartoon like lines were in place of natural human wrinkles. She was like a doll.

It was only when she turned over to look at you when you realized that something was seriously off. She was missing the entirety of her left eye, and the only thing there was a deep and hollow black void.

The woman, who you could only assume to be Physical Alice, had turned the power off on the mutant, to your slight relief. However, that relief quickly left you once she had opened her sinful lips.

"Hmm... Now we come to the question... Do I kill you?... Do I tear you apart to my hearts delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable. How's a girl to choose? I know... I'll make it your choice. Shall I torture you, or shall I tear your face to shreds? Be grateful... It's not everyday I let one of my visitors actually make a choice." She spoke through the glass screen. You just stood there with your eyes wide, mouth agape as it repeatedly opened and closed like a fish out of water.

"... Are you serious?" You asked as you had finally managed to let some words stumble out of your lips. Your response made the woman laugh, as she flipped her hair back with one of her inky hands.

"As serious as I am beautiful." She said with a sly as a vixen smile, her eyes only continuing to peer down at you. She was looking at you like you were her meal, a predators next victim, her prey. Her stare made you want to make that one eyed woman have to use a seeing eye dog for the rest of her life, you were just that pissed. But more than irritated, you were scared. Truly scared for your life and the lives of those around you.

If you couldn't deal with this woman accordingly, then the chances of you making it out of this studio alive are close to zero. Despite being frightened, you can't show fear. You do not know how to show fear. When you feel fear, your face is unable to express a fearful expression, and instead, it just shows a blank one. That would explain why the woman in front of you looked so confused.

With this realization, a small huff of humor had escaped your breath. Then, looking up at the broken angel, you gave her a sly smile of your own.

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