Chapter 36: The Path

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-Your P.O.V.-

To the left of you was a sign that read "The Demon", while the right read "The Angel". You weren't sure what to make of these signs, since at the moment you were doing the important task of eating your beans, which you had decided to eat despite the scare that Alice gave you earlier. You've been starving after all, and food tastes really good at the moment. It was only when you finally scraped out the last of the beans, discarded the too large to carry pot, wiped the paste off onto your completely ruined former F/C penguin pajama pants, and slipped the shockingly warm button-up onto your form that you had finally began to examine the signs.

What are the chances that "The Demon" path is for Bendy The Dancin' Demon, while "The Angel" path is for Alice Angel? Or could the paths be split because Alice Angel is half angel and half demon?

You doubted that you were correct with the second reason, and you felt like you were most likely more accurate with your first assumption. So then, it leaves you to the options of who do you wish to find out more about? Who are you most curious about?

While Physical Alice or Alice Angel or whatever seemed... interesting, Bendy was who you were really confused about. You had so many odd interactions with the demon; from him trying to kill you to just semi-casually talking to you.

He pushed you yeah, and although you are convinced that he meant to harm, the second time the two of you talked he was completely passive. And the third time... He left you unharmed and alive? Besides the bump on your head that you gave yourself, did he ever actually attempt to physically harm you in any way? He had a perfect chance to kill you, and he didn't, did he?

Your eyes were wide and your jaw was dropped.

You... never actually registered the fact that although he didn't harm you any further after passing out, he, in reality, had the... perfect chance to kill you, and he didn't. Instead, you awoke in the safe room.

You know for a fact that Boris would be way too scared to ever go out and help you get away from Bendy, and you don't blame him. You know just as well as he does how deeply traumas can stem into your decisions, and to you, it appeared that Boris instinctively avoids areas that Bendy reins over. Unless if it's to help others out of the studio of course.

Which leaves you with how you were able to get to Boris's sanctuary without Boris's help.

Could it have been Sammy?

No, Sammy was in the music department holding the demon off. He wouldn't have left like that, right?

Sure, Sammy was messed up in the head, but he was not a coward.

And yeah, you could see Sammy telling Bendy of your location, since it is natural for the former man to please and listen to his ex-lord, and if he did, you honestly couldn't be mad at him. Just like you and Boris, the three of you have relied on instinct so long with certain things towards your actions that you just tend to do your sad habits without realization.

So then, what if Sammy had disclosed your location and in turn, Bendy went to find you. Bendy is an unstable demon, so whatever interaction that he had with Sammy could've possibly made him lose his sanity and what if... that made Bendy chase you?

You shook your head back and forth, knowing how unlikely that being the case actually is. Bendy doesn't care for you, right? It's impossible for him to care for you! I mean, besides talking to him, where are the signs that he has ever cared for you?

"The beans and water..." Your mind thought against your will.

It was then you remembered that right by all the beans and water... Why didn't you think of this before, in all honesty you are such an idiot sometimes! But right by the stuff, directly in front of you, was a cut-out.

And remember just before Sammy freaked out and told you to leave his department? What did he say?


"Well, he most likely traveled through his ink portals to arrive here, pseudo teleportation if you will, and as to how he knew you were being attacked, he most likely saw it through hi-" Sammy cut himself short and you watched in confusion as he shot his head back to the balcony that had a familiar cut-out on it.

"He... Heard it all..." Sammy muttered to himself in horror. Shooting his wide inky eyes over to you, he spoke.

"You need to leave"


It was like Bendy had left you a signature. He was there, he was the one who gave you the food and water, the things that you needed to survive.

You suddenly understood why you always felt so paranoid and uncomfortable every time you saw those cut-outs. It wasn't just the fact that they were creepy as hell... the demon of this place has been watching you the entire time. And not only that, but he... Saved you?

"Could he-" You quickly cut that other unconscious thought with a shake of your head. The chances of him caring for you are literally almost impossible, you should just drop that thought all together, let's be realistic.

However, there is no doubt in your mind now that Bendy the Ink Demon wants you alive. For what reasons, you are entirely unsure of. And you weren't planning on finding out his reasons either. After all, everyone knows how the sane goes:

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Still though, you have always been quite the curious type...

Eyeing the path to the left, you decided that since your curiosity hasn't killed you yet, you might as well take the risk.

You chose the path of the demon.

A/N: When I played the game, I chose the angel path. What path did you choose?

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