Chapter 41: The (In)sane

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Warning: This chapter has disturbing themes that include torture, gore and murder. I haven't posted such a creepily gory chapter in a while, so viewer discretion is advised. (Please note that if I say "viewer discretion is advised" in the future, then that means that the chapter will have what I consider to be heavier than normal themes.)


Deep in studio, an inky being had paced. His hands and face were dripping metaphorical sweat as he waddled back and forth in his throne room, palms on his heads sides as he muttered quietly to himself under his breath.

If one were to walk in on him right now, then they'd instantly assume that he was insane. But he wasn't, not YET. He couldn't be, he couldn't allow himself to be.

You see, naturally, this being is, well, a very dangerous one. This may be easy to forget, given his new infatuation, but you must remember that Bendy is a torturer, serial killer, stalker, vandaliser, theif, and has destroyed many many things in his path, and these are just the demon's crimes! Let us not forget that his personality, which is egotistical, selfish, sadistic, sociopathic, and unempathetic.

Sure, by appearance, the demon has indeed changed, in the sense that Bendy was able to find a small white space in his dark heart which he had placed Y/N in. He had only the purest of intentions and wishes towards the girl, and no matter how much the blackness of his heart begged and pleaded for him to change her, to harm her, to kill her... he didn't. He didn't allow himself the pleasure of even having the thought. But now, now after finding out that Y/N L/N is the Grand-niece of Henry Stein?

Well, maybe not to you, but to the ink demon, this changes his opinions on the girl indeed. At least, the blackness of his heart which is made of all his crimes and dark emotions thinks so.

His darkness, his insaneness, oh how desperately the black claws of insanity were clawing into the barrier that he had made for Y/N, and oh how desperately Bendy was attempting to keep his white space for her pure and untainted. But it was hard, and at the moment, as he paces back and forth while all the while muttering to himself... there's one thing that you need to understand, one thing in which you need to know.

Bendy is talking to himself.

He is literally talking to himself, his insane self. The demon was sane for now, but he didn't know for how long. So, in order to attempt and keep the devil inside of him, the hardly angelic sanity that the demon had was attempting to convince his dark emotions to stay away from Y/N. The sort of sanity that Bendy feels creeping up on him is not the animalistic feelings he gets when he turns into his beast form, oh no.

This is the sort of sanity, the sort of INsanity that Bendy had felt back when Henry was here, back when the demon roamed the halls, searching for the man that he wished to kill. He was so insane to the point that he didn't even realize what was going on around him. It was only when Bendy regained his sanity in which he begun to realize how familiar things seemed, how similar the patterns were, and how unoriginal all of his actions became.

If Bendy allowed himself to become insane, then what are the chances that the black-hole of Henry repeated itself with Y/N? That thought, as insane as this might sound, that thought alone is the only thing that is keeping the demon from holding his darkness back.

"She is NOT Henry."

"But she is related to him. Raised by him. I heard the girl back when I talked with her. I heard it, I know I did."

"She can't be Henry. What I heard doesn't mean that she is like him."

"And what if she is? Imagine my loss, my losing of the vengeance that i've held onto for so long."

"I had to give that up a long time ago in order to get out of the cycle. I know this."

"But I can regain this. I can have this back. Imagine all the things I can do to her."


"I could strangle her till she turned all shades of colors, leave beautiful marks of red across her body by my touch alone, make her bleed her beautiful red with my teeth, and imagine the ink..."


"After I had my fun with her as a human, then I could begin a slow and painful process of making her into an ink being. I could chain her up in the throne room, keep her out of sight from all others eyes. I, and only I could look at her, stare at her, touch her, taste her. And then, just before she would become ageless, then i'd kill her, exacting the vengeance that has been deserved onto the Stein's family for so long. Naturally, once she's dead, she'll become a pile of ink. This ink, I would absorb, allow her to become a part of me for all eternity..."

"SHUT UP! I can't, that's all so sick! She's not like me, she's pure and untainted. I don't wish to hurt her for my pleasure, in fact, i'd be more than happy with just being by her side."

"Would I now... Despite what I had just learned?"



"Because i've been watching her for long enough to know that she is NOT Henry."

"Well... I will see about that."


"So stubborn... Fine. I shall leave for now. And when the minute my doubt tips... I'll be back."

It was at the end of this conversation in which Bendy had known that no matter what he was thinking, he is and always will be completely and utterly (in)sane. That's just the sort of demon he is.

Guess it's about time for the little devil darlin' to introduce himself to Y/N. Wouldn't you agree?

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