Chapter 23: The Kidnap

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-Sammy's P.O.V.-

From his question, a soft smile spread across the girls face.

"I really do have his eyes, don't I?" She asked as she looked up at Sammy, her E/C orbs twinkling as she squinted them into a smile. Sammy could feel his anger swell up into his abdomen with the realization that this already sinful girl is in fact related to an even more sinful creature.

Henry Stein...

Before Sammy knew it, he found his mind being brought back 27 some years ago.


Sammy was finishing tying the knots on the captured Henry who was slowly waking up. With his axe in his right hand, Sammy began to speak.

"There we go. Nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we?" Sammy said to nothing, only to respond to himself thoughtfully a moment later.

"No, we wouldn't"

By those words, Henry had begun to struggle in his binds. However, Sammy dutifully ignored this as he continued talking.

"I must admit, I an honored that you came all the way down here to visit me." He said in a soft tone, only to lace his next sentence with fake guilt as he spoke.

"It almost makes what i'm about to do seem cruel."

"It's not like you have to do it. Whatever it is you're planning..." Henry muttered the last sentence quietly to himself with a downcast head, hoping that maybe the ink being in front of him could be convinced to not harm him.

"But the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me." Sammy responded as his form retreated from Henry to set down the axe, only to come back face to face with him a moment later.

Anger swelled inside Henry as he shot his head up at Sammy.

"You bastard..." Henry hissed out. However, his words seemed to have an odd effect on the ink being in front of him, as Sammy's face was directly in front of his.

"Wait. You look so familiar to me... that face..." Just as quick as Sammy had begun observing the man in front of him, he stopped. He had a schedule to stick to after all. Shaking his head, Sammy managed to snap himself out of it.

"Not now. For our lord is calling to us, little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand!" He said as he backed his body away from the pissed off Henry, who only stared at the man in a mix of anger and disturbance. Starting to speak again, Sammy had begun to near Henry all over.

"And then, I will finally be freed from this.. prison. This inky.. dark.. abyss I call a body." He leaned into Henry, finger to his masky lips.

"Shhhhh.. Quiet! Listen! I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling!"

At these words, Henry had begun to shoot his head around, and sure enough. Up above, uneven footsteps could be heard.

"Let us begin. The ritual must be completed!" Sammy spoke as he waved his arms in and out of his form, head shooting around at the ceiling.

"Soon he will hear me..."

Then, leaning into Henry, face mere inches apart yet again, he spoke.

"He will set us free."

By these words, Sammy had begun to walk through a door to Henry's left. Once he was out of sight, Henry had begun to struggle. Sammy could see this, much to his ignorance, as he had turned on the speakers and began the summoning for his Lord.

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