Chapter 35: The Beans

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-Your P.O.V.-

At the moment, you were really unsure on how you were supposed to feel.

Apparently, while you were taking your 20 some minute nap, somebody had managed so sneak around the studio, and had grabbed you food, water, clothes, boots, and even a fucking pot filled to the brim with water. Not only that, but this genius had decided to place a fucking Bendy cut-out a foot away from your body, right next to the supplies.

Although you were appreciative towards the mysterious stranger, the sight was also kinda sad. With the fact that the shirt was crumpled, the canteen was tipped, and the boots (instead of the common placement,) were placed at a left boot at right and right boot at left position.

What makes the sight even sadder is that you obviously are unable to cook the beans without anything to light a fire with.

With a sigh, your sunken E/C eyes scanned the room, hoping to spot some wood, and when your eyes landed on a familiar pile of broken planks, you immediately felt a small sweat begin to form on your brow.

"The Bendy cut-outs"

You were REALLY out of it before you took your nap, because you don't even remember tossing those cartoon boards across the room. Clearly though, you did, if the broken apart cut-outs for when you chucked them onto the fencing wasn't obvious enough. And you're pretty sure there were some cut outs on the white couch before you laid down on it, and now they're gone. Honestly, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together

With a sigh, and a mumbling of a silent plead to not be massacred for what you were about to do, you walked over to the cut-outs to find that they were dry and free from ink. The planks were splintered, revealing the unpainted wood underneath which was exactly what you needed to start a fire.

Hauling back a small pile, you made your way over to the couch where the food supplies were gathered. Knowing that the wood of the floors could possibly set the whole room on fire, you had decided to carry all the heavy materials back over to the pathway with that huge Bendy face poster. Luckily enough, the hallway was part metal gate and part wood, meaning that you could sit safely on the wood while the fire did its work on the beans atop of the metal flooring.

When you had a stable pile of wood on top of the grate, you had made sure to leave a pot sized space in the middle to set the water on. Then, after rubbing some of the wood pieces together, you started the fire, making sure that none of the wood got in the water.

Peering inside the canteen, you had decided that you weren't gonna take the risk and had poured the water inside of the pot that still had its original water inside. The canteen seemed clean enough, but you weren't about to trust this places water supply with all the ink that is in the studio. Luckily enough for you, the pot which had water in it had way more than needed already for boiling beans. You hoped that by boiling all the water that you had in the pot would allow you to be able to fill up your canteen as well as your remaining water bottles so that you could have enough to drink, and possibly make even more beans in the future. Boiling water is the quickest way to clean it of impurities, or so you have heard.

Unscrewing the plastic cap, you had begun to take small sips of the remainder of your liquid life, the H2O running down your dry and scratchy throat while moistening your dry tongue to such a satisfying degree. You made sure to not drink it all at once, knowing that if you did then you'd most likely get sick.

By the time you were done with the bottle, the water in the pot was boiling.

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