Chapter 38: The Corpses

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-Your P.O.V.-

At the moment, you and Boris were attempting to power on a gate so the two of you could get through. In order to do that, you both had to flip these switches simultaneously. When you finally found your switch, lo and behold, this fucked up ink monster that somewhat looked like Edgar from The Butcher Gang had popped out of a poster, swinging a fucking weapon at you all the while. After picking up and throwing the little crap into a barrel, you quickly flipped the switch and ran down the hallway while yanking Boris along, unsure as to how long the thing will stay contained without a lid to lock him in.

Then, as sure as shit, when the two of you were halfway down the staircase, one of the strangest noises that you have ever heard in your entire life, along with its little body, had just entered from the other room.

"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!" You yelled all the while as you yanked Boris along with you. You were desperate, your E/C eyes shooting around in means of escape. When they landed on an elevator, you couldn't help but smile as you practically tossed you and Boris inside, slamming the door button shut. Not a second too soon either, as the metal had rattled and the creature from earlier's thin little arms were stretching through the bars, attempting to grasp the two of you. You breathed a sigh of relief as both you and Boris sat there on your bums, huffing and heaving. You were safe.


At least you thought you were.

You and Boris shot your heads towards one another due to the unexpected laughter as the elevator began to move downward. When a crunch and a snap could be heard, both of your eyes immediately shot back towards where the little monster had once stood, now only 2 bloody ink detached limbs being where it once was. The elevator had literally tore them off. Boris shook at the sight while you threw up into your mouth, swallowing the half digested substance back down.

"I have to say," The same and familiar voice spoke, "I'm an instant fan. You're so interesting... so different. Looks like you've got a date with an An-!"

"U-um..." You stumbled out, cutting off the woman completely. "There are 2 reasons why I must say no to our date. First off is that I don't swing that way, and second off is that YOU LITERALLY JUST CUT THAT THINGS FUCKING ARMS OFF!" You screeched. At that same moment, Boris had just run to the left gate and threw up a ton of black ink through one of the gaps, only emphasizing your point even more.



"Just meet me down at level 9." The woman sighed as the speakers had effectively cut off.

With this, you sat up off the ground and rushed over to Boris, rubbing his back as he continued to dry heave. "It's okay buddy, it's okay..." You spoke in a caring tone until he stopped heaving.

"You alright?" You asked, making him shake his head up and down, allowing a relieved sigh to escape your lips. Just as you finished your sigh, both of the gates had opened back up, revealing what you assumed to be level 9.

"Holy shit..." You muttered under your breath as you looked through the elevator door. What was before you was simply shocking.

The room appeared to be slightly bigger than the room for Heavenly Toys. To the right was a staircase that was flush to the wall. To the left of you was a pathway, and when you climb down the stairs, that pathway will turn into a balcony, which had pillars and fencing in place instead of walls. From beyond that you could see what looked like 2 metal gates; a much smaller one that almost reminded you of a gate to a front yard, and then a much bigger one.

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