Chapter 79: The Riddle

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-Your P.O.V.-

After you and Bendy found out about the lead, you both immediately headed out. Naturally, Bendy insisted on carrying you again, and this time around, you didn't argue (as much). The two of you must've been walking for a while now, as to how long exactly, you were unsure. However, regardless of how long it's been, your mind has been brewing with the same question over and over in your head until it has aged like a scattered wine:

"What. The Fuck. Is Bendyland?"

Does it actually exist? Is it an arcade? Theme park? Golf course? What could it be? You've tried asking Bendy this same question, but all he responded with was a strained grin. So clearly, whatever the F Bendyland is appears to be a bit of a sore subject to him, and you certainly don't want to make the INK DEMON upset, but this curiosity of yours is about to make you tear your hair out!

"Bendyland... Was failure." Bendy had suddenly spoke, your eyes immediately drawing up towards his face in slight shock and overwhelming curiosity.

"A failure? What do you mean?" Bendy sighed at your question, and you almost thought that he was done speaking with you, but nevertheless, he continued to explain.

"It was a success... Bendyland theme park... but credit was taken from prideful Bertrum... workers took sides. Success... became failure."

"I see... So basically, the theme park started falling apart once the workers stopped working together over a feud for who should receive credit for the building of Bendyland?" You questioned with a snap of you're fingers, making Bendy nod his head slightly. You understood more, but one question still remained.

"Who was trying to take Bertrum's credit?" You asked, and immediately, you could tell that your question was a bad one.

Bendy's mist started becoming darker, more opaque. The demons ink started losing a bit of solidity, like melting ice, you could feel a bit of it start to soak into your clothes. Luckily, your stomach isn't touching his body, otherwise you'd be screwed.

"J̷̰̆͠Ȍ̶̝̦Ẹ̷̏͑Y̷͚̠̿" Bendy suddenly spoke, but you had a hard time understanding him. In fear of upsetting him any further, you dropped the subject, and clearly, dropping the subject was the right decision. Noticing his uneasiness, you simply patted his arm a little, which drew his attention down towards you. When you thought he was looking at you, you simply shook you're head back and forth, a little smile on your face to him know that he didn't need to continue. This consideration of yours was visibly appreciated as his ink became more solid, and the mist became lighter in density.

"So" you questioned after giving Bendy a few minutes, "How far are we?"

"We're here." Bendy suddenly stated as he gingerly set you down at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Once you had your bearings, you found yourself inside of a room that definitely did not look like a theme park.

"Um... Isn't this just a storage room?"

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