Chapter 61: Photo Album

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Leigh's POV
"I honestly can't believe how drunk I got last night" I sighed resting my head on the kitchen table.
"I'm pretty sure everyone will be feeling that way today" Kaeyi agreed stroking Kiki's head as she slept on her knee.

"Well it's getting late better head on home" I sighed grabbing my phone.
"Oh how are you and Ross getting on?" Kaeyi asked putting our mugs in the sink.

"Why does everyone ask this?" I said rolling my eyes, "I guess we are good.... Like I still love him and all, and I love waking up beside him every morning".

"Awwww!" Kaeyi cooed making a baby face. Nudging her with my elbow I scowled at her, "What it's the truth, but yea... I'm happy".

"Well you and Ross are adorable together, so keep it that way!" Kaeyi threatened as a joke, "Plus I'm pretty sure Ross feels the same way" she continued a glint in her eyes.
"Yea yea, whatever" I laughed hugging Kaeyi then headed on home.


"Ross I'm home" I called walking into the flat.
"Ross? Why are all the lights off?" I called out again, not enjoying the darkness of the corridor.
"Archie? Oscar? Apollo?"

What's going on?

Walking down the corridor I felt like I had walked into a horror film... It was too quiet.
Entering the kitchen I frowned when no one was there, "Where the hell is he?" I questioned the dark empty house.

Then something caught my eye, a small card on the kitchen table with my name on it.
Picking it up I recognised Ross' messy handwriting instantly.

To Leigh
I have a surprise ready for you
Come to the park
Don't worry about Apollo and the boys, they are with Smith
Ross x

What the hell? He's obviously not as hung over as I thought...
Turning back to the door I left my bag and grabbed another, warmer, coat and made my way to the park.


Reaching the park it was already 10pm so was getting pretty dark, the only light being from the streetlights, giving off their orangey... Yea its a word... glow.
There was only a few places where I knew Ross could be so I made my way to the small hill that led up to a small remembrance memorial at the top.

As I neared the hill I stopped in my tracks as I seen Ross sitting there, a huge grin on his face.
"There you are, took you long enough" he chuckled standing up from the picnic rug he had laid out on the grass.

Returning a hug I looked down at the set up Ross had made, consisting of a rug, picnic box, blankets and a couple.... Photo albums?
"What's all this?" I questioned as he sat me down.
"What? A man can't be romantic?" He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow, "This is you I'm talking about, Mr Eat Shit himself. We haven't been out together for ages, I thought us moving in together was romantic enough".

"Na, and that's why I have set this up tonight" he smiled kissing my cheek.
With I sigh I nodded, "Okay okay, you win".

"I think so too" he agreed taking out a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine out the hamper.
"Oooooo Mr fancy pants" I commented as he poured some wine into the glasses before passing me one.

Taking a sip I nearly chocked as Ross cupped my chin with his hand and kissed me lightly on the lips, "What was that for?" I coughed, wine dribbling down my chin, so attractive...
"So now I'm not allowed to kiss you?" Ross grumbled making a baby face.

Elbowing him I rolled my eyes, "You're pathetic you know that".
"You love me really" he said smouldering.
Unable to hold back a laugh I sighed "Like I said... Pathetic".

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now