Chapter 84: Family

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A/N Thank you for all the name suggestions! You're all amazing and it was hard to choose one!

Leigh's POV

As I watched the tear slowly falling down Ross' cheek I smiled, the love in his blue eyes was captivating, just by the way he looked at our son I knew he was going to be the best dad in the world.
I winced slightly as the nurse worked on some of the IV lines on the back of my hand, "Sorry" she apologised as she injected what I guessed was painkiller into one of the fluid bags.
Turning back to Ross he looked up and smiled at me, "He's just perfect" he said a crack of emotion in his voice.
Laughing slightly I nodded, "He is".

"I'm sorry but I think it's time to take the little one back to the nursery, the doctor believe more oxygen therapy will do him some good, and I believe Mrs Hornby needs some rest" the nurse said and Ross reluctantly passed our son back to her, "Oh have you thought of a name?" She asked and I paused and looked at Ross.

"Umm we hadn't really thought much about it, we had a middle name but not a first name" I said but a smile crossed Ross' face, "What about Ewan?" He said and my heart fluttered.
"Really?" I said in shock of the suggestion, after all I hadn't heard my fathers name is a long long time, I hardly mentioned my patients and obviously Ross was paying attention enough to memorise what my father had been called.

Ross nodded and I could feel my eyes burn with tears and I reached up to hug him.
"Ewan Alex Hornby" I said through my tears as Ross hugged me tightly.

"Ewan Alex Hornby it is" I heard the nurse say before the door closed.
Releasing Ross from my hug I lay back on the bed and took a deep breath, I was exhausted and with the amount of medication I was on that probably wasn't helping my sleepy state.
Ross must have seen my eyes struggling to stay open and he kissed my forehead, "You better get some sleep, I'll go tell the others, after all I think everyone will be nervously waiting" he said before leaving me to sleep.

Ross' POV (Just to fill the space while Leigh Rests)

Leaving Leigh to sleep I went back to the waiting room where everyone was patiently waiting for news. Their expressions where still sad and pained but they lightened slightly as they seen me approach with a smile.
"Is everything okay?" Alex was the first one to ask walking over to me, obviously worried about his sister.
"She's sleepy so I left her to rest, as for little one.... Ewan Alex Hornby is the most amazing thing in the world" I said and a huge smile crossed Alex's face as the others cheered and grinned in the background.

"Did you say Ewan 'Alex' Hornby?" He asked again and I laughed, "Yes, as per Leigh's request Alex was always going to be the middle name if we had a boy" I explained and Alex wrapped me in a hug.
As Alex released me I seen Trott standing off to the side and I smiled as Alex pulled him over to us and we had a group hug.
"We're uncles Trotty!" Alex said happily and I could hear him laugh, "We sure are".

Leigh's POV
After a long rest I was feeling refreshed and was surprised to see that I had sleep all through the night.
As I gently sat myself up I winced, guessing I will be sore for a while longer. Glancing out the window my mind wondered, I knew I had a healthy little boy down the hall but I couldn't help but think of the little girl that didn't even have a chance at life. Sighing deeply I knew it would be hard to forget about her but my thoughts turned to Ewan and Ross, I had to keep my thoughts on the living.

When I was originally told about how she didn't make it the doctor had asked me what I would like to do with the body. I had contemplated giving her a proper send off but then the doctor suggested her being a donor, and had explained that my little girl could do good for many babies in the future. I had agreed but told the doctor to get approval from Ross first, and he agreed and then asked if I wanted to see her but I refused, it would be so much harder if I seen her.

Breaking from my thoughts the door opened and it was the nurse, "Ah good you're awake, your husband has been waiting for you to wake up" she said kindly, as she helped me into a sitting position and gave me a tray of food, and when I seen the bowl of soup I realised how hungry I really was.
"Am I able to see my son again?" I asked the nurse as she opened the blinds and got to work unattaching me from the drip bags but kept the IV lines in my arm.

"Of course, little Ewan is due a feed so I'm sure that it can be arranged" the nurse said happily, "I'll go get your husband and I'll tell one of the midwifes to get Ewan".
When she left I waited patiently and ate what had been brought to me, but it felt like forever before the door opened again.

"Afternoon sleepy head" I heard as Ross appeared at the door, a smile across his face.
"My bad" I laughed but as I seen the person behind Ross I wished I could have jumped out the bed, "Alex!" I cheered as he walked straight up to me and hugged me tight.
"I'm honestly considering wrapping you in bubble wrap for protection " he joked as he released me.

"That would probably be for the best" I agreed as I looked over his shoulder to see Katie, Trott and Becca standing there.
"Sorry for the scare" I apologised to Katie but she just shook her head, "Don't you worry about me, I was just worried" she said.
"She does that a lot" Trott laughed which resulted in him getting an elbow to his ribs from Katie.

"Oh I'm sorry to intrude" the nurse said poking her head into the door, a doctor just behind her.
"It's fine" I said as they entered and came over to the bed.

"Good afternoon Mrs Hornby, I've just finished looking over your paper work and I'm happy for you and your son to go home in a few hours as long as you take a few days rest" the doctor said with a smile, and I smiled back "Thank you Doctor".

The doctor then left but the nurse began removing the IV catheters from my arms and placed a bag of my clothes at the side of my bed.
"Seems your husband is a very organised person" she said to which Smith and Trott laughed.
"I think you'll find the girls sorted out the bag, Ross wouldn't know the first thing of packing a bag for Leigh" Trott said and Ross shrugged, "I can barely pack a bag myself without forgetting something".

The nurse nodded and pulled out a blue duck baby onesie, socks and hat from the bag, "Looks like Ewan has a little outfit too" she said with a smile placing the baby clothes at the side.
"I'll leave you too it, and my colleague should be here soon with the little one" she said before closing the curtain around my bed and leaving.

"Need a hand?" Ross asked from the other side of the curtain as I slowly began to get out the bed.
"Ummm I'm good.... I think" I said just as my feet touched the cold floor and I shuddered. Man I hated the hospital feeling. Carefully I stood up and reached for my clothes that the nurse had lain out, however as I looked down I seen the scar from the surgery for the first time, it was covered in a thin dressing but I could see the long scar across my lower abdomen, damn!

Shaking the sight from my head I dressed as quickly as I could, luckily the girls had been smart enough bring a pair of light comfy trousers and a baggy t-shirt and hoodie.

Pulling back the curtain after I dressed the small group of friends welcomed me, "You look more like yourself" Ross said as he gave me a hug and gave me a quick kiss.
"I feel more like myself" I agreed with a smile and the smile increased as the nurse came in with Ewan.

"Seems I've got good timing" she said as she gently passed the small blue bundle to me and the bottle to Ross, "Tell me when your ready to head home" the nurse said before taking her leave.

Carefully I sat down on the chair next to the bed and looked lovingly at my little boy, I still couldn't get over how perfect he was.
"Here" Ross said giving me the bottle which Ewan took eagerly his little fingers curling and uncurling under the blanket.
"Wow..." Alex said talking a look at Ewan and I laughed, "You'll get a turn in a minute Uncle Alex" I said as Ewan quickly finished the bottle of milk and burped.

"Looks like he has manners like his Dad" Trott said from the side making everyone laugh. Placing down the bottle I stroked Ewan's cheek, here I was holding a delicate being that I had fallen instantly in love. And as I gently rubbed my finger over his forehead for first time a small smile crossed his face and his eyes opened slightly to reveal stunning grey blue eyes.
I had to hold back the tears as I looked up at Ross, up into near identical coloured eyes "He's got his dad's eyes".

Authors Note
I could just keep writing and writing but I think that's a good stopping point.
Hope you like the name of baby Hornby and looking forward to more.

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now