Chapter 42: YogGames [Part 1]

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Leigh's POV
The following day we were all forced onto a coach driven off to an AirSoft centre, a fair distance from Bristol.

"Seems Turps has done a lot of preparation for this, it worries me slightly" I groaned looking out the window as the English countryside rushed by.

Alex sat next to me and Hannah and Kim behind us and Duncan and Simon in front, "Yea I agree, but Turps has also apparently little clue what we're going to do since he's taking part" Hannah said pulling her hat over her ears. Probably not the greatest idea doing this in January.

Thinking about what we could possibly doing once we arrived, I sighed, "The joys of being a Youtuber".

"Team Names!" Sam shouted at us from the front of the bus, "You guys need team names so get thinking".

I turned to Alex and he smiled, "What will it be?" He asked and I shrugged, "No clue... Never been good at coming up with stuff on the spot".

Scratching his chin Alex thought and I listened to the other pairs;

"The Assassins!" I heard Hannah say with glee.
"Jaffa Warriors" Simon cooed as Duncan rolled his eyes.
"Mighty Men!" Lewis said and Turps agreed.

"What about Alpha Wolves?" Alex said with a chuckle and I grinned, "I love it!"


"Right you lot, the filming starts as soon as you leave the bus, this is a non scripted live action video so yea, it could get interesting", Sam summarised as the coach stopped.

"So basically it's going to be like Big Brother?" Duncan asked and I was thinking the same.

"Pretty much" Sam replied and the coach door opened, "Right time to get to work!"
I looked at Alex and he shrugged, "Teamwork begins".

We were the last ones to get off the bus and I was welcomed by having a camera shoved in my face, and Trott and Ross announcing from the sidelines, "And Team Four or Team Alpha Wolves! Alsmiffy and HatLass Leigh!"

Motioning us to stand in a line with the other pairs we got down to the challenge. Ross and Trott were apparently the commentators and stood like they were Ant and Dec on the set of 'I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here!'. Adrien, Tom C and intern Matt held cameras and boom mics, filming the introduction.

Ross: "Welcome! 8 Yogscast Members! 4 Teams! 1 Challenge!"
Trott: "These Yogs are going to fight it out 'Hunger Games' style to decide the Winners!"
Ross: "We will be following them on their journey, through the hunger, pain and more than likely, tears".
Trott: "So without further a do, let's get down to business".

Once the two of them finished their introduction in the first take, we applauded to take the piss.

Ross came up to me and hugged me, "Good luck" he muttered in my ear and I raised an eyebrow, "How could I not be exited for a Hunger Games 'to the death' game" I said sarcastically.
"You will do great!" He said and then ran off as the eight of us where given a rucksack each.

Opening it I rolled my eyes at what was inside, "Their really serious with this... Game".
Firstly was a green hoodie, with 'Leigh' written on the back then a torch, waterproof jacket, full water bottle, energy bars and spare batteries. But what concerned me most was the laser tag body armour that would go over the hoodie.

"Each team is colour coded, Assassins Red, Jaffa Warriors orange, Mighty Men Blue and Alpha wolves green, and each has a team care package. Other items are around the arena so you will have to find them", Tom B explained and I nodded as Alex raked through our care package that was in contained in a larger camping rucksack.
"Two man tent and two sleeping bags, paraffin cooker, rope, compass, map and extra water" Alex said out loud before pulling on his matching green hoodie and laser tag gear, then throwing his jacket, energy bars and torch into the big rucksack then onto his back.

"Pass me the map" I asked taking it from him and studying the area we where going to be 'fighting' in. It consisted of a wooded area and an open man made town with small buildings for shelter.

"We're going to wreck this" He chuckled and I nodded, "It's going to be a challenge but I can't wait".

After a 'safety' briefing about the laser tag guns that we would be using in the arena and the general 'if you start to feel unwell tell us' talk, we were kitted up and ready to go!

We had also been told that cameras had been hooked up throughout the arena, so we would be constantly filmed, which made me feel uneasy, someone watching my every move for the next 24 hours.

"Okay everyone! Remember the rules! Alliances can be made but only one team can win. Once you have been hit you are out the game and your team mate will have to carry on as a Solo member" Trott summarised as we waited at the entrance of the arena.
"1 hour non fire to begin with, then it's all out war" Ross grinned at the camera.
"Okay! 3.... 2.... 1.... GO!"

Commentators POV
Ross: "So they are off! Four teams ready to battle it out!"
Trott: "Team Assassins, Jaffa Warriors and Mighty Men are heading straight to the building area of the arena, while it looks like the Alpha Wolves are taking a different approach by heading for the woods".
Ross: "And Jaffa Warriors and Mighty Men have collected their first guns and looks like they are.... Well just standing looking at each other"
[The nearest camera zooms in on the two teams and the conversation is heard]
Lewis: How about a trues? An allience! The four of us will destroy the other four!"
Duncan looks at Simon, nods and holds out his hand to Lewis and Turps.
Duncan: "Alliance it is"
[Camera zooms out to watch the new 'Alliance' take shelter in the largest of the buildings]
Ross: "So we have an Alliance! But how long will it last?"
Trott: "Team Assassins have collected their guns and seems they are taking up shelter in one of the outer buildings".
Ross: "As for the Alpha wolves they have found a chest in the woods, so to have weapons and a few smoke grenades too, they could come in handy".

Leigh's POV
"Slightly concerned that this is as far as our plan went" I acknowledged holding my new weapon, and for a laser weapon it looked real.

Alex being in his element had his gun over his shoulder, his AirSoft experience obviously kicking in.
Man I wished I had taken the offer to go Airsofting, because at this very moment I felt pretty useless.

"Well seems the others took off to the buildings so we're save here just now" Alex said as a sound of a buzzer rang out through the arena.
None contact was over, now the fighting begin but it was already beginning to get dark.

Dropping my pack beside a tree I grabbed the map and a pen and began to climb, using the branches as a stairway into the canopy.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I heard Alex call from the ground.
"Getting some bearings" I shouted back reaching the top of the tree.

From the vantage point I noted down our position and looked around to see figures moving around in the buildings, 'that's more that two?' I thought to myself, using the pen to mark down the largest building.

Climbing back down I passed Alex the map, I talked through the lay out of the arena and what I could see.

"Seems we have an alliance of some sort" I explained pointing at the position on the map.
"The other lads?" Alex questioned and I nodded, "More than likely".
"Tryhards" Alex spat with a chuckle.
"Yea I know" I agreed with a laugh, looking at my watch it was already 5pm, two hours already!
"Let's set up the tent, no point freezing out here, and I can't imagine the other doing differently" I suggested and Alex agreed.

Commentators POV
Ross: "It's been an eventful few hours and the teams seem to be ready to plan attacks in the morning".
Trott: "The Alliance found the Jaffa crate, much to Simon's glee and are now sitting eating the treats".
Ross: "Team Assassins have set up camp and seem to be setting up traps in torch light. Living up to their name!"
Trott: "And the Alpha Wolves have pitched the tent and are cooking dinner, beans... Mmmmm yummy..... Talking about food should we get some?"
Ross: "Domenos?"
Trott: "Sounds good".

Authors Note
Something a bit different
Hope you like :)

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now