Chapter 72: Today is the Day

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A/N I have no idea the real names of Ross' family so I have improvised.

Sitting on the edge of mine and Ross' bed still in my dressing gown, I took a deep breath, "I can't believe today is the day" I said to myself.
Don't get me wrong I was so excited but I was also terrified, my stomach twisting in nerves.

Ross had left an hour ago, leaving me in the capable hands of my bridesmaids, who where currently giggling downstairs, hard at work doing each others hair and make up, the kettle boiling for the third time.

"Guess I'll see you in a bit" Ross had said to me this morning and had kissed me before smirking and hugging me tightly, "I love you Leigh, I can't wait to be your husband".
I had only managed to say that I loved him to before he was shooed off by the girls.

Kaeyi appeared at the door, her dressing gown also on and a mug of tea in her hand, but her hair was all done, it was beautiful. In a half up half down style her short black hair had been transformed, a beautiful hair clip holding it all together in the back.

"It's your turn Leigh" she said sitting down beside me passing me the mug of tea.
Rubbing my tired and anxious eyes I nodded, "Okay..." I breathed before a smile crossed my face, "I'm ready".


"Wow Leigh! B.ea.uuu.t.ifulll" Kim cheered mimicking the quote from Bruce Almightily.
Looking into the mirror I smiled, my long brown hair had been curled and some of it was pinned up at the back so gave me a kinda pony tail but so much prettier.
"Dress time!" Katie cheered as she pulled over my dress that was still in it's protective plastic covering.

"Okay suit me up" I joked as the four of them helped me into my dress before getting into their own duck egg coloured dresses.

Once it was on I just stood staring at the mirror, I truly loved my dress, it was just so... Me. I really hoped that Ross liked it.

"Hello anyone in?" I heard a familiar voice.
"We are in the kitchen" Hannah called over and I smiled as Sally, Ross' mum appeared at the door, closely followed by Ross' brothers, Alex, his older brother and Sebastian, his younger brother and Dad, Sean. Getting to my feet I walked over and gave Sally a hug, "Wow Leigh, you look beautiful my dear" she said wiping away a stray tear.

She was a wonderful woman and had accepted me since the first day that Ross took me to see her and the rest of the family, she became the mum I never had.

Seeing the tear I could feel my own eyes water, "Don't you dare cry! I worked hard on the makeup" Kaeyi protested making everyone laugh.

"Would you like a cuppa?" I asked my soon to be mother in law. Shaking her head she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box, "Sadly we need to get going but we have to keep to tradition".

Opening the box was a necklace, a small love heart as the pendent, "Something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue" she rhymed with a smile. "This is your something old, this was Ross' grandmothers, my mothers, and I would be more than happy for you to wear it on this special day".

Feeling the tears well up again I smiled as she put in around my neck, "Thank you Sally" I said and she hugged me again, "We'll see you at the wedding" she said before the three Hornby's left for the wedding location.

Exhaling deeply I slumped back down in the seat, staring at the necklace.
"Hey daydreamer we have the other parts of the tradition" Katie chimed as she pinned something into my hair.
Twisting my head I see the sparkly teal and silver clip she had put into my hair.

"Something borrowed, as I kinda need it back" Katie joked, then Kim took my hand as Hannah clipped on my pandora bracelet. In addition to the few charms I already had on it, which included:
- The peacock charm Alex got me for the first year anniversary of me living with him.
- A pawprint love heart Ross got me from Archie, Oscar and Apollo for my 22 Birthday last month.
- A little Chinese waving cat charm that I got from Trott and Katie as a good luck off the wedding and future baby.

Now I had a little silver love heart shaped charm with the Chinese symbol for Love on it.
"Something new" Hannah added, "A little something from us to you" Kaeyi entered with a happy cheer.

Studying the charm then looking back at the hair clip I smiled, "Thanks guys I love them".

"Don't thank them quite yet" an oh so familiar voice spoke out. Turning from the new additions to my look I squealed as I seen Alex leaning against the kitchen door frame.

"Hey steady on" he grinned as I practically jumped into his arms.
"Sorry" I mumbled taking a step back from Alex and looking at his suit. He looked really smart, it was a regular black suit with white shirt but he had a tie that matches the colour of the bridesmaids dresses and a thistle button hole (A personal request of mine). His normally rugged beard was neatly cut and his hair was all brushed and styled.

"You clean up well" I commented and he laughed, "Says you in the wedding dress. You look beautiful Leigh".
Blushing I pushed a stray strand of hair out my face, "So what brings you here? Shouldn't you be with Trott and Ross?" I asked and he chuckled slightly before leading me over to one of the chairs and sitting me down.

"I have the final piece of the tradition" he said pulling out a ring from his shirt pocket. It was a sliver banded ring with a blue topaz stone.
"This was Mum's favourite ring" Alex said and I looked at him in confusion, "Mum's?" I said and he nodded then it clicked, "Our Mum's?!" I said in surprise.

Gently slipping the ring on my right hand I could see the tears in Alex's eyes, "It was given to me after... She.... She was in the accident with your Dad. There was no will and since the hospital they were admitted to, had no knowledge of you I was given her possessions, including this ring. I have held onto it for all these years and I can't think of any better time to give it to you" he explained.

This new information about my mum was making my hands shake with emotion, "I wish I got the chance to meet her" I muttered under my breath as I looked down and twisted the ring. Alex took my hands in his and I looked up to see his smile, "She would be so proud of you, now enough of the sad stuff, let's get going" he said pulling me to my feet.

The girls, who had been silent during the past few minutes suddenly began to rush about, doing the final touches.
Once everything was sorted Alex leaded me outside and there waiting at the side of the street was the car that was to take me to my wedding, geez.... My wedding... I'm going to get married.

Authors Note
Well after over a month, here is an update. I'm so sorry it's taken so long, I've been dealing with a lot of stress due to Uni work and the new house move.

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now