Chapter 64: Back To Work

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Leigh's POV
"Leigh! You ready for work yet?" Ross shouted from the front door as I gave Apollo his breakfast.
Rolling my eyes I filled Apollos food bowl as he rubbed against my legs, "Give me a sec, what's the rush anyway?"

"Oh I don't know..... Maybe the fact that I want to tell everyone that your a my fiancée? The texts haven't stopped since Saturday" He called back and I could hear the clang of his keys as he spun them impatiently.

"Okay okay, hold your horses" I laughed lifting Apollo up onto the kitchen counter so he could eat his food in peace from the boys.
Grabbing my bag and coat I met Ross at the door, taking a deep breath I looked at my engagement ring.

"You ready?" Ross asked taking my hand, "As ready as I'll ever be".

Alex's POV
"Trott we are not playing 'Echo the Dolphin' for Old Fashin Bashin".

Holding the game in his hand Trott pouted "But why?".
"Because we're not" I replied and Trott fake cried, rolling my eyes I sighed, "How the hell am I friends with you?"

Laughing Trott placed down the silly game and shrugged, "No clue... But you're kinda stuck with me".

Continuing to set up the camera for recording I turned as I heard the office door open.
"Leigh!" I cheered as she held up her left hand to show off her ring.
"Woop Woop! Congratulations" Trott said giving Leigh a hug.

"Thanks Trott" she smiled walking up to me, "So what do you think?" She asked and I laughed, "I couldn't be happier, congrats little sis" I said pulling her into a hug.

"Wow! What happened to you punchbag?" I heard Trott ask and turned to see the shiner of a black eye that Ross was sporting.
"Yea wow! How you manage that?" I asked and Leigh chuckled, "He was being an everyday hero and chased off this big bloke who was picking on a little old lady".

Looking at Leigh I raised my eyebrow, "Pfft Ross picking a fight? Ross you fight like a ballerina mate".

Ross sighed knowing we could see through the lie, "Okay okay, I had a run in with Samantha... And yea... She took a swing at me".

"Now that's more believable, she's a total bitch" Trott commented with a laugh.
"But don't tell anyone" Ross asked and I crossed my heart, "Promise".

Leigh's POV
"But anyway, I can't believe my little sis is going to get married" Alex admitted turning back to me before pointing to Ross, "And to that thing".

"Hey!" Ross exclaimed acting offended, his hand over his chest.
Elbowing Alex I tutted, "Now enough of that, after all you two are to be brothers. And Trott well...."

"Well what?" Trott asked crossing his arms. "Well you'll always be our lovable walrus" I finished making Trott smile.

"So how are you going to tell everyone?" Alex asked and I shrugged turning to Ross for the answer, "Pretty sure there is an Insomnia meeting later on so I'm sure it will pop up at some point" he said and I nodded, "Sounds good and at least it gives me the chance to get some recording done".

"Well it's settled then" Ross said kissing my forehead causing Alex and Trott to make kiss noises in the background.
Shaking my head I went to leave the office, "So mature".

"You love us really!" Trott shouted after me making the three of them laugh.
My stupid boys but I wouldn't have them any other way.


"That's all for today's episode of 'Life is Strange' and remember that if you are affected by anything in this video please visit '' where there are links to helplines in your area. Thank again! Bye!"

Signing off the two hour recording session I slumped back in my chair, "Well that was emotional" I commented stretching my arms above my head.

*Knock Knock*

"Hello, hello" Lewis smiled popping his head into my office.
"Hey boss" I joked spinning in my chair to face the door.

"So......" He started and to answer the inevitable question I raised my hand to show off the ring, "Congratulations!!" Lewis cheered and I just laughed, "Wasn't long ago when it was you and Hannah".

"Yea but finally it's you and Ross, I knew it was coming! I knew it. But yea I wanted to know before the meeting after all it's big news" Lewis said and I nodded, "Yip, and it would be cool if you announced it, I don't particularly feel like standing up in front of the whole office to announce it".

"Oh you don't worry about it" Lewis said before exiting the office, "Catch you later at the meeting!"

Sighing I nearly jumped out my skin as the door got knocked again, this time it was Ross holding a list in his hand.
"Turps just gave me the office shopping list.... I kinda lost a bet on GTA" he groaned and I chuckled, "So why you here then?"
"Cause I didn't want to go alone" he sulked, so with a groan I got up and grabbed my coat, "I'll say it again, You're pathetic".


"Well at least we got everything" Ross said as we loaded the cupboard and fridge with the shopping.
Looking around I noticed that it was quiet, "Ross where is everyone?"

"Probably just getting lunch" he said and I looked at my watch, "It's 3pm, even for Youtubers that's a late lunch".

"Let's go check the common room, their probably just slacking off or another mini Pokemon card tournament has broken out" Ross said as we made our way up to the common room.


Nearly having a heart attack I jumped as everyone cheered.
Catching myself I looked around to see balloons and banners everywhere.

"Well I wasn't expecting this, thanks guys" Ross chuckled.
Hannah ran over to me and hugged me tightly, "Congrats Leigh, I knew would say yes!"

"Imagine if I said no" I joked and Hannah laughed, "Not going to happen".

"Enough hugging! Who wants cake?!" Simon shouted from across the room, and I smiled as the room erupted into a cheer.

Crazy Dysfunctional Family for sure

<><Authors Note><>
New chapter.... Sorry for delay!
More exciting stuff coming up when Leigh joins the Yogs to her first convention.

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now