Chapter 82: Time

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Leigh's POV
Bright lights, pain, crying, quiet, gone, why?
How could this happen? Why did this happen?

[6 Hours Earlier]

"What do you think of this Leigh?" Katie asked me as she held up an adorable little light blue jumper with a monkey on the front.
"That is adorable!" I smiled as Katie and I walked around one of the small shops around the corner from the office. Even though I was taking a break from putting out videos I still went to the office on a regular basis, I enjoyed the company and on my good days it was good to get out the house, and today was one of those days. We had already been out for lunch so just popped into the shop to have a look but Katie had other ideas.

"I'm going to get it" Katie said as she added the jumper to her already full basket, "Katie, you've already bought enough you said you would stop" I grumbled at the woman who was godmother to be.
"Hey they are my godkids and I can spend what I want, plus they are unisex colours so it won't matter if they are boys or girls" Katie explained and I sighed, "No point me trying to argue, I'm still 5 weeks off my due date, what's the rush?"

Katie turned to me and rolled her eyes, "Mrs Hornby I don't care when their due, I'm buying my god kids some adorable clothes so they have something to wear when they leave the hospital". I shook my head but laughed "Okay okay, let's get these things then head back to the office, I need a sit down, these little devils are really dragging me down".
Honestly Katie was a lot more prepared than me, I was putting off buying things as members of the Yogs and Ross' parents kept buying things for us so I didn't want to risk buying more than what was needed, and Ross and I were planning a trip to IKEA when he got back from Texas to buy furniture.

"Come on mummy" Katie joked as she came up to me with her many bags, which broke me from my thoughts.
We left the shop and took the short walk to the office, honestly the office was very quiet without Ross, Alex and Trott, it just wasn't the same walking into office and not hearing swearing coming from their office.
"Meet you in there, I'll get us some tea" Katie said we walked into the quiet office, "Sure thing" I said and went to the 'staff' room where a few of the Yogs were enjoying a break.

"Hey guys" I smiled entering the room and promptly taking a seat next to Kim and Hannah on the sofa. The other Yogs in the room where Turps, Mark, Martyn, Duncan and Sjin.
"Enjoy shopping?" Martyn asked me as he sat at one of few computers in the room, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Don't get me started" I said rolling my eyes, "I've never liked shopping but shopping for baby stuff just reminds me how little time there is until they arrive" I said and Kim gave me a side hug, "You sound so worried, don't be, you have a whole office of baby sitters and nappy changers" she laughed which cheered me up.

"Kim's right, those poor buggers won't know what's hit them" Turps added and I laughed, "They sure will have a huge extended family, but are you sure it will be fine having two little ones around when Ross and I are working?" I asked, honesty that was my main worry, Ross' mum had stated on many occasions that she would be happy to baby sit but I didn't want to be a burden by always asking her, and Katie had also offered her service but she had her own job to worry about too.

"Seriously Leigh, it's no bother! It will be fun" Turps smiled and several of the other Yogs nodded, "Thanks guys, it's a huge relief, juggling work and kids is hard enough but being a Youtuber is a bit different than a regular 9-5 job" I said with a smile.

Just as I thanked everyone Katie came in with two mugs of tea and passed one to me before sitting next to Turps.
"So when are the terrible trio due back?" Mark asked and I smiled, "Their flight really early, so they should be back in a few hours, so no doubt they will be back into work on Monday".
Mark nodded and looked at Katie, "Good as we need good old Cam Buckland back for Sunday". Katie laughed but Kim sighed sarcastically, "Great...." she said half heartedly, momentary roleplaying as her D&D character who isn't exactly in best terms with Trott's character. This made everyone laugh and I also joined in as I really loved how Kim and Trott interacted on the High Rollers streams.
However as I laughed I suddenly felt nauseous and my head spun, I had come accustomed to the feeling on morning sickness but it was 2 in the afternoon and this was so much worse than that.

"Leigh you okay?" Katie asked me, a concerned look on her face.
"Oh god Leigh, you're as white as a sheet" Sjin piped in turning in his chair to face me.
I tried to stand up but instantly fell to the floor in heap, the mug of tea spilling over the floor.
"Shit! Call an ambulance!" I heard Turps shout while a few people tried to help me up but I couldn't move, I felt so weak as a wave of pain hit me like a bus, is this what labour is meant to be like?

I tried to reorientate myself with my surroundings but I was so dizzy from the pain, but I could hear what sounded like Martyn talking to someone on the phone and Katie and Kim trying to keep me calm as they sat me up on the floor my back against the sofa, but I also heard something I defiantly didn't want to hear, "Martyn, she's bleeding!"

[To be Continued]

<><Authors Note><>
I feel evil...... I'm so horrible to my OC's
I could have continued with this chapter and made a really long chapter but I though a cliffhanger would add more atmosphere.
Next chapter will be up in the next few days

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now