Chapter 76: Scan

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Leigh's POV

"Ugh...." I groaned as I tried, and quickly failed to close my jeans button. I knew that my pregnancy would cause my clothes not to fit but I didn't think that at only 12 weeks I would be forced to wear other clothes.

"What you groaning about? I can hear you from down stairs" Ross said as he appeared at the bedroom door, "My skinny jeans won't fit" I sulked as I pulled them off and threw them to the side. Sitting down at the edge of the bed I could feel my emotions rising, Damn hormones.

Ross must have seen my distress because he came and sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, "Aw Leigh, it's alright, you look amazing in anything" he said softly.

"That's not the point, just six weeks ago I was dancing around in a wedding dress and now I can't even fit into my jeans" I sighed and I took a deep breath.

Ross shook his head, got up and went to the cupboard, "What are you doing?" I asked as he rummaged through an area of the cupboard we used to store our winter clothes.
"Remember those trackie bottoms that you wore last year, the ones that you got from the Scotland Rugby shop?" He said as more clothes ended up on the floor.

"The cantenbery ones? I thought they got ripped?" I said in confusion, after all they had been my favourite pair joggy bottoms.

"Well.... Aha! Got them" He said in triump as he pulled out the pair of trousers, and they looked as good as new. "I took them to mum and she fixed them" he said throwing them at me.

I caught them and searched for the rip in be knee but when I found it, it was completely resown and looked as good as new.
Smiling from ear to ear I pulled them on and they fit perfectly.
"Thank you Ross!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, "I thought you would be happy, so what's the plan of attack for today? After all it's a big day and all" he said and I smiled.

"Well the scan isn't until 11 o'clock but if we go to the office first we will just be bombarded by questions from everyone" I said and Ross nodded, "Well why don't we go pick up the boys food from Pets At Home then do a little shopping?"

"Sure, and we are going to the office afterwards anyway so what's the harm?" I said as I pulled on some trainers and grabbed my phone and purse, "Let's get going then".


"Do you think I'll be able to go to the Autumn conventions without any questions?" I asked Ross as we walked hand in hand along the high street.
"I think you already know the answer to that" Ross said squeezing my hand.
Signing I nodded, "Announcing we were married was crazy enough".

After the wedding Ross and I had taken a short honeymoon holiday to South Africa, a place we had both wanted to go for a long time, we even went on safari and slept out in tents on a reserve. I'll never forget Ross' face when we woke up to find a cheetah walking through camp.
But anyway when we got back everything sort of went back to normal, well normal for a Youtuber. Up till two weeks ago we had managed to keep everything secret was amazing in itself, however we decided that the fans deserved to know and there was speculation out there anyway, so we just confirmed the rumours.

We posted a photo from the wedding, specifically the one with Archie and Oscar, onto our personal Twitters. Then, with our permission, Tom Clark posted it on the Yogscast Facebook and main Twitter.
Everyone went crazy! And both of our Twitter feeds were filled with messages.

It was nice to have one less secret.

But our baby news was a bit more complicated and in a way a lot more personal. Family members and close friends all knew and for now we decided that that was good for now.

"Depends how round you get" Ross chuckled and well he received a slap on the arm for that.
"I don't want to get round...." I mumbled into my coat collar.

"Come on Leigh, I'll be here every inch you gain" Ross said and I rolled my eyes, "I'm not sure if I should consider that cute or weird".

"Yea it sounded better in my head" he laughed rubbing the back of his neck, he then looked at his watch and signed lightly, "Guess we should make our way to the hospital" he said and I nodded, "Guess we should".

Alex's POV

"Heard anything from Leigh or Ross?" Trott asked from across the room as he put together a GTA playlist for our next recording.
"Nothing, then again it's just turned 11 o'clock now do they have probably just arrived at the hospital" I said as I got up from seat and began to walk back and forth.

"Pacing are we? Look at you, is big bad Uncle Alex wor timing?" Trott chuckled and I groaned, "Not helping".

I slumped down on the sofa and let out a long sigh, "I can't believe my little sister is going to be a mum" I said and Trott laughed, "I'm not amazed that Ross is going to be a Dad".

"True, I can't even imagine how he will react with nappy changing" I said and Trott laughed "He'll have to learn, I don't think Leigh will let him off with not helping out".

With a smile I nodded as my phone went off in my pocket.
"Is that Leigh? Or Ross?" Trott asked excitedly as I looked at my phone screen.
"It's Becca, just asking if I had heard anything" I told Trott as I quickly tapped a reply.

"Ah, so how is it going with Becca? Last time I seen her was when I came to pick up the Vlog camera" Trott asked.
"Yeah, fine. She's in America at the moment touring with her new book, but she always replies to my messages" I replied as I send the message.

Becca and I were getting on great, we moved in together just over a month ago and we were just pottering on with life. However with her newest book being such a success I I've hardly seen her in the last couple of weeks.

"That's what you get for having a girlfriend with a creative writing degree" Trott joked.

Nodding in agreement I then put my head back on to the back of the sofa, "Yea I guess it is".

Leigh's POV

I hated hospitals, really hated hospitals. The smell of disinfectant and the long white corridors just reminded me of my time spent comatose here three years ago.

"Mrs Hornby?" A voice called out which brought me back from my personal thoughts, and I don't think I will ever get used to being 'Mrs Hornby'.

Looking over to where the voice called I seen a nurse standing at the door with a clip board in hand, her blue NHS scrubs.
"Mrs Hornby, we are ready for you" The nurse repeated and Ross, who sat next to me, gave me a reassuring nudge.

Taking a deep breath I stood up and followed the nursing into one of the smaller rooms, keeping a firm hold onto Ross' hand.

"Okay Mrs Hornby this is your first scan, all we are going to do is use our ultra sound machine to check on your baby and make sure everything is okay in this of your pregnancy" the nurse said and I nodded.

"Okay then, let's get you up into the bed and if you pull up your shirt I will put some gel onto it" the nurse said I as lay down on the bed and pulled up my top with shaky hands.

I heard Ross laugh lightly and turned to face him, "What's so funny?" I asked and he smiled, "You're always one to get yourself panicked, it's just a scan, take a deep breath".

Flinching slightly as the nurse put the cold gel on my stomach, I took a deep breath and returned a smile, "You're right, as always" I said and Ross laughed again, "Since when do you say I'm right? What have you done with my wife?" He said and I rolled my eyes, "You numpty".

With my attention on Ross I didn't realise that the nurse has stopped moving the ultrasound probe around and sat looking at the screen, "Well....." She said and I suddenly felt panicked and looked at the screen, "What? What is it?" I said sharply however as I looked at the screen I seen why the nurse had reacted as she had, and as I looked back at her she had a huge smile on her face.
"Well Mr and Mrs Hornby, it's seems that you will have double the trouble".

Authors Note
After over a month, here is the next chapter! Hope this makes up for it!
Also I'm hoping I will get back into the flow of the Fic so expect more.

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now