Chapter 45: A Moment

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Leigh's POV
"Perkins! I call haxs!" I exclaimed across the table as Tom Perkins, or just Perkins, won yet again. We were passing time by playing some card games and somehow managed to start playing poker, but instead of money, we bet sweets.

"Well there goes the last of your Jolly Ranches Miss Smith" Perkins chuckled dragging the pile of sweets across the table in his direction.

Slumping in my seat I admitting defeat, "I'm sure you cheat" I said crossing my arms.

"Yea sure, he hides them in his beard", Sam (Gibbs) said with a laugh.

"Fear the beard, just saying" Ross commented placing some of his Kinder bars in the middle, keeping the game rolling.

"Damn you guys" I sighed getting up, "Guess it's back to work for me".

The three of them looked up and laughed, "No more procrastinating for you" Sam said and I rolled my eyes, "Never playing poker again".

I left the common room and walked back to my office, after missing the last couple of days I was behind on editing content so really needed to catch up.


Alex: "Where's the painkillers :( x"

Me: "In the cupboard above the sink, where they normally are XD x"

Alex: "Thanks got them, not feeling 2 fresh x"

Me: "After the amount u drunk last night, I think ur liver will need time off x"

Alex: "Agreed, Trott and I are just going 2 say home and play Dota x"

Me: "Lucky u! I have shit tonnes of editing to be done! Will see u when I get home x"

Alex: "Have fun x"

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked into my office which was a mess, fan mail everywhere, let's just say I'm a messy opener, I just get too excited.

"I should really try to keep the place tidy when I make PO Box videos" I groaned sorting through the items that cluttered my desk, so basically pinning up the fan art on my new notice board above my desk, then moving the rest of the letters and random objects from one place to another.

I loaded up some Pokemon footage and began to edit it to get back on top of the workload.

After finishing that and several other bits of editing, including the PO Box recording, I left it to render.

Considering the late night I was having a productive day, and had managed to catch up on two days of missed editing.

Waking up in Ross' arms helped to be perfectly honest, but that was a minor detail that Alex didn't need to know about. After all he was still sound asleep in bed, so didn't even know Ross had stayed, and we had left the house for work before he and Trott had even woken up.

With a sigh of relief I lay back in my chair and stretched, workload done and it was only 3.30pm, Success!

Clicking onto Youtube I read through some comments on my most recent uploads. My fans were truly amazing, the support they gave me, even with my still improving editing techniques, kept my spirits up;

Xephqin: Keep up the good work Leigh, it's great that you keep up with the standards of the other Yog members even thought you are younger than them.

Princess-Amethyst: U and Ross are so cute together!! You should do Vlogs!! Like Martyn and Kaeyi! It would be amazing! #Roigh #Leros #Scottish3Max

MyRosieMine: Girl Power!! Plus I agree with Princess-Amethyst! Vlogs PLEASE!

FunckyFunnyBunnies: Free Hugs for you!!

Smiling at the computer screen I continued to scroll down the supportive and positive comments, however I stopped scrolling when a certain comment caught my eye.

GamerLad89: Who does Leigh think she is? She suddenly appears out of no where and is given a Yogscast channel within couple of months! Where the hell did she come from? Smith never mention a sister but then it was like 'Omg a sister!'. I bet she was dumped by relatives on Smith because she is a money grabbing bitch. Oh and Wow she can play guitar and sing too! What a coincidence! The Area 11 Stream was great until she started singing, it sounded like a donkey bellowing! My ears were bleeding. Its a shame she woke from that coma, would have saved my ears if she hadn't. The Yogscast falls every passing moment they allow this talentless girl to continue. Ross will eventually realise this and drop her like a sack of potatoes, he could do so much better.

I didn't know how to react, I just stared at the screen, mouth agape.

I began to think about my last eight months in Bristol, it had started as a chore, I didn't want to be here but look were I am now!
I had a job, true friends, a family and a boyfriend.
I have laughed, cried and smiled.
I have played with Area 11, played countless games and had fun doing so.
Was that wrong?

However for the first time in months I thought of my Aunt and Uncle. They were truly amazing people and had loved me like I was their daughter, I regret that their death has allowed me to live this life. But now I had someone accusing my past, they didn't even know! They didn't know me! They didn't know what I had lost.

Tears lighting falling down my cheeks I sighed, and lay my head back, closing my eyes.
I had held back the tears for so long, and now it was all rising to the surface, my life was as good as it has ever been but I still couldn't help the flow of tears, this comment triggering them to break the flood gates.

I had no one to turn to, I knew everyone would be busy now, even the editors had a lot of work with the new live action footage so the common room would now be empty. Ross was editing some GTA so even he was off doing work, and the hater was right, I wasn't good enough for him.

With a sigh I stood up and wandered down the corridor, tears still on my cheeks, "Leigh what's the matter?"

I turned to see Hannah at her office door, my sobs began startling her as she took my arm and pulled me into her office, shutting the door behind us.
As soon as the door clicked shut I fell to my knees, the tears streaming. What had gotten into me, it was just a stupid comment, a hater.

"Leigh, Leigh, what happened?" Hannah asked trying to calm my outburst, "I'm useless, their right, I don't deserve a channel, I don't deserve Alex, I don't deserve Ross" I sobbed into my hands.
Hannah rubbed my back and I could tell she worried, I heard her grab her phone and tap in a name, "Ross, please come though to my office, like now".

No I didn't want to see Ross, not now.

"What what is it?" I heard Ross ask opening the door, then I heard him take an intake of breath and I felt arms wrap around me, "Leigh! Shhhh what's happened".
"I'm not good enough for you" I cried trying to push from his grip but he held me tightly.
"Aww Leigh, don't be daft, I love you" he replied resting his chin on my head. I looked up into his blue/grey eyes and I could tell he was close to tears himself, "You do?" I muttered.
"Of course I do, how could I not?" He said with a smile, kissing my forhead.

What a stupid cow I was being, how had I let a comment make me look so weak and vulnerable, it made me question my worth, my friends, my relationship with Ross.

"I'll just leave you two here, I'll go make some tea" Hannah said leaving the room. Ross nodded to her then lifted me onto his knee, "Looks like my little pup had a sensitive moment" He cooed hugging me.
"Maybe a little one" I replied as Ross used his hoodie sleeve to wipe away my tears.
"Better?" He grinned and I couldn't help but smile back, "I guess so" I said still annoyed with myself for getting so wound up.
"Think it's time to go home, I think you are in need of a takeaway and a movie" Ross chuckled and I nodded, "That would be good"

Authors Note
A bit of a soppy chapter.... But I'm currently struggling for with ideas, so if you have any ideas for this story go ahead and drop a comment :)

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now