Chapter 28: Life

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Leigh's POV

"Relax Miss Smith! Calm down!" 

The doctors and nurses fought to pin me down as I frantically tried to get out their grip. They were trapping me, holding me back.

"Let-let-let go of me!" I stammered through the tears, my voice course from it's little use. 

I was terrified! I didn't know where I was? Why I was here? And where everyone was?

My body raged in pain, alerting me to injures all over my body.

"We're going to have to sedate her!" The head doctor called out and this sent me into a panic, "No! NO!"

"Leave her ALONE!" 

This voice filled me with relief and I lifted my head to see Alex rush into the room followed closely by Trott, Sparkles* and Ross.

"A-Alex!" I whimpered my eyes filling with tears. The doctors and nurses backed off as Alex ran to my side and pulled me into a tight hug. 

Pain in my chest caused me to wince but I pushed it to the back of my mind. Hugging Alex back I heard him sob lightly over my shoulder and I couldn't help cry along with him. 

What happened?

How long had it been?

Alex's POV

Holding Leigh tightly I didn't want to let go. She was back with us, my little sister. 

Hearing her yelp in pain, I jumped back remembering her numerous injures. 

"Sorry" I apologised wiping away the tears. Leigh sat up in the hospital bed her blue eyes open and she smiled at me before turning to the other guys.

"R-r-Ross!" She chimed a stammer in her voice. Ross then went to her side and he had his turn to cry and hug her, lighter than I had.

I still didn't know how to react about their relationship; he was one of my best mates and she was my sister... How was I meant to react?

Throwing it to the back of my mind, I watched while Sparkles* and Trott also welcomed her back to our world with a hug.

After our greetings Sparkles* ran off with Trott to phone the others.

Seemed like Christmas has come early.

Leigh's POV

After Alex and Ross spent a good couple of hours explaining the accident and the last two weeks, which I had no recollection of, I sat up trying to recollect my thoughts.

I couldn't believe it. 

Alex looked awful, he had obviously not been sleeping well; he looked ill with dark rings around his eyes. 

Ross still wore light dressing on his own injures, he must have felt awful with how injured I was compared to him. The way he explained the accident made it would like he blamed himself for what happened.

“If I just picked up the pace we wouldn't have been their when he drove past, if I had just picked you up and ran, if.. if…” he muttered his eyes welling with tears, “Do-do-don’t you da-dare think it was you-yourr fault. Do-do-don’t you dare!” I said back to him which made the tears fall.

Everyone had been through so much, everyone visiting the hospital, the streaming being canceled, the videos lacking. All of them being so supportive.

"Ca-can I get some wa-water?" I stammered asking the nurse who smiled at me before passing me a cup of water. My throat was like sandpaper and now I was feeling even more choked up hearing about everything.

Trott and Sparkles* came back into the room and sat down at my bed, "Everyone is ecstatic your awake! They are already panning a party to welcome you back! And they streams are going to restart after Christmas" Trott summarised a huge grin on his face. I nodded and sighed in relief, "I-I-I'm glad”.

The doctor entered the room and walked up to me a huge grin on his face, "Well Leigh, looks like your going home for Christmas, here are you discharge papers. Hope you have a good Christmas". 

Feeling the tears rise I cried, Alex looked at me confused but I smiled and leant to hug him, "Ha-ha-happy tears”.

Alex's POV

"Let's get you home" I said to Leigh softly as I pushed her wheelchair towards the car. Her fractured pelvis stopping her from walking herself, along with her other broken bones. 

"Can't wait" she squeaked her voice still rough.


After dropping off Sparkles* we drove home. Getting Leigh up the stairs wasn't the easiest; Ross had to pick her up bridal style and carry her up the flights of stairs. Staring at his back, I shook my head as Trott and I carried the wheelchair up the stairs. Trott chuckled at my expression, "It's not that bad, they do love each other, you know that?" 

"It's just a shock to the system, she's my little sister Trott, I feel more protective of her more that ever. And Ross, well you and him are my best mates... It's just... Weird".

Trott rolled his eyes and tutted, "You'll get used to it and lighten up it's Christmas!"

Laughing I shrugged "Fair enough, thanks mate”.

Leigh's POV 

Laying my head on Ross' chest I could have fallen asleep in his arms. Even through I can't remember the last few weeks, I felt deprived of human contact. 

"Hey Pup, at least stay awake to see the decorations, we took ages to put them up" Ross said but I could feel my eyelids droop. 

"Ok-ok-okay" I mumbled as we reached the flat. 

Alex and Trott caught up with us and I was placed back in the damn wheelchair, I could tell it was going to be driven crazy by it.

"Welcome home!" Alex smiled and opened the door to reveal the flat full of Christmas decorations, tinsel and presents under the tree. 

Christmas was my favourite time of year and I was home to celebrate it. 

My home, my boys, bliss. 

Authors Note 

A happier chapter :)
Thank you some much for making this my Top Fan-Fiction!!!!
It has over taken Dog in Yogtowers!!!!
Love you all
Support = Chapters
~Leigh xxxxx

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