Chapter 48: A New Buddy for Alex

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Leigh's POV
I wanted to do something special for Alex, I never realised how alone he was feeling and well... I kinda felt responsible.
And worst of all is I have plans to go stay at Ross' this weekend, so that meant leaving Alex alone... Man that makes it sound like I'm leaving a kid alone for the weekend... He was a 26 year old man for crying out loud!

I had finished work early, after the fight between Alex and Ross, so had made plans to meet up with Kaeyi.
I needed to get some stuff for Apollo and Kaeyi needs stuff for Kiki and Pascal, so we caught the bus in to town and made our way to PetAtHome.

"So how's Pascal with her new inhaler?" I asked as we walked through the quiet streets.

Kaeyi shrugged, "She's getting better, she's still not to happy about it poor baby".

"What a shame. Bloody Apollo has hit his crazy stage, the curtains in my room are a mess. I wake up in the morning and there he is looking down on me from the curtain rail" I said with a laugh and Kaeyi laughed at it too.

"Kitty lovers understand. Oh you mind if I Vlog? Will be something a bit different for the Dreamlings" she asked pulling her phone from her handbag, "Sure, I don't mind".

Pressing record we received a few looks from people walking by but who cares, videos like the IntheLittleDream vlogs allowed Kaeyi and Martyn to pay the bills.

"Hey Dreamlings! I'm out and about with Leigh, Smith's little sis, making this her IntheLittleDream debut! We're going to the pet store to get the kitties some more goodies and probably look at the cute bunnies and gerbils while we're at it!" She said with her usual enthusiasm, I just smiled and waved.

Personally I think Vloging is the most difficult form of video, you have to be naturally enthusiastic and interesting plus be able to hold a camera steady, I prefer a tripod.
"So anyway we'll check back once we have got to the store and if we get some interesting stuff; we can do a little kittie haul, Bye for now" Kaeyi continues before ending the short recording.

"I have no clue how you do that, I always go blank on what to say when a camera is in my face" I admitted as we reached the store, the automatic doors welcoming us into pet owner heaven.

Kaeyi shrugged as we grabbed a basket each then made our way to the cat food and toy aisle, "It's easy once you get going, I just pretend that I'm talking to an actual fan".

Laughing I nodded, "Fair enough, but I think I'll just stick to the gaming videos".


"You got everything?" Kaeyi asked as I placed one last thing in my basket, "I think so, wet cat food, biscuits, Thrive treats, cat nip toy and new bright green collar, yip that's everything" I counted off the items in my basket.
"Great, let's go look at the fluffy bunnies" she giggled whipping round to the pet section.


"Awwww!" We said in unison as the Degu ran around in its wheel, it's kangaroo like legs propelling it forward.
"They are so cute" Kaeyi cooed, nodding I moved further down the aisle to the reptile area, "So cool" I muttered to myself, looking at the corn snakes, breaded dragons and geckos....

Smith always wanted a gecko....

Staring through the clear glass at a leopard gecko, I smiled, "Perfect!"

Alex's POV
"I'm sorry about earlier..." I apologised to Ross as we walked to the car park, "I don't know what came over me, but I do regret it you know"
Rolling his eyes Ross nudged my arm and smiled, "Don't mention it, what's done is done, plus in a way I kinda deserved it, over protective big bro" he chucked and I nodded, "Okay okay, your right, but just a warning, you hurt Leigh and I'll skin you alive"

Ross laughed before jumping in his car, "I don't doubt that threat for a second, see you tomorrow".
"See ya"

The drive home was a nightmare, stupid rush hour traffic, so by the time I got back to the flat, I had message after message from Leigh;
Leigh: 'Where r u? X'
Leigh: 'Hurry home I have a surprise 4 u x'
Leigh: 'Alex! Come on! X"

Rolling my eyes I tapped in a quick reply as I walked up the four flights of stairs;
Me: 'Rush hour traffic! I'm just coming, hold ur horses x'

Reaching the flat I could hear talking from inside, did Leigh have someone over?
"Alex is going to love it!" I heard Leigh squeal, which was followed by a laugh, ah it was Kaeyi.

Opening the door the two of them were standing side by side, as if they were hiding something...
"Hey Alex" Leigh said with a huge grin on her face.
Apollo ran across the room and rubbed himself against my leg, "Hey little man" I said to the cat, noticing the new collar on the ever growing cat, before turning back to the suspicious actions of Leigh and Kaeyi.

"What have you two been doing? I know your up to something" I groaned hanging up my coat.
Leigh nodded to Kaeyi and the two of them stepped away from what they had been hiding.

Leigh's POV
"You didn't!" Alex said with glee as he looked at the glass vivarium that now stood in the living room. Seeing the gecko in the shop I knew I had to get it for Alex, I had been saving up for a new headset but this seemed to be a much better way to spent the money.

Moving out the way I sat down on the sofa with Kaeyi, the two of us watching Alex study the tank and it's new inhabitant.
"A leopard gecko!" He said in delight as the small spotted lizard poked it's head out it's rocky hide.

"I think he likes it" I whispered to Kaeyi and she nodded, "He's like a child in a sweet shop" she replied and we both laughed.

Then next thing I know I'm being crushed in a hug, "This is amazing thank you!" Alex said finally letting me go.
"Thought you would, after all I did listen to the Hat Chat where you said you always wanted a gecko, even though you turned it into the most disgusting story every" I smiled and Alex laughed and nodded, "Officially the best sister ever!"

Authors Note
New chapter!!
And Yes! Smith has a leopard Gecko IRL! Check his Twitter if you don't believe me! And the photo on this chapter is what he actually looks like.
Anyway, Comment and Vote!!
Love you all

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now