Chapter 38: My Homeland

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DISCLOSURE: Contains mature themes at end of chapter.

Leigh's POV
"Leigh... Pup... We're nearly there, wakey wakey".
Yawning I woke to Ross nudging me softly, "Shit how long have I been asleep!" I swore jolting up right, confused by the time that had passed since drifting off.
"Well you've been asleep 6 of the 7 hours of this journey, but don't worry about me, I kept myself entertained" he laughed and I sighed, "Sorry I didn't mean to sleep so much, you should have woke me up".
Taking out his phone he started to flick through photos of my sleeping, covering my face he laughed, "And miss out on photos like this, no chance".
'Next stop Edinburgh Waverly'
"Seems like we are nearly there" Ross smiled and I nodded, "Nearly home".


"What it was funny" he laughed and I groaned.
"Running at a wall and shouting I'm going to Hogwarts, isn't funny" I tried to keep a straight face but failed as he give me a cookie grin. "Okay maybe it was a little funny".

We had arrived at Waverley and yea, some of the interior does look like Kings Cross, where they filmed Harry Potter, so that's were Ross got his 'brilliant' idea.

"So where we heading?" I asked while we headed to the exit of the train station.
"Well it's a Holiday Inn on the Royal Mile?" He answered passing me the address.
"That's just down the road, about 10 minute walk" I replied and we walked out onto Princes Street. Wow it was good to be back.
The Christmas german market was still in town so the Ferris wheel was still in it's regular spot, surrounded by stalls selling everything from glass work and wood work to sausages and crepes.
I listened to the bagpipes being played by the regular player on his normal spot, he was a common sight on the busy shopping street.
Looking across Princes Street gardens I looked up at the Castle, it's cloudy backdrop giving it a very Scottish feel. Yup, it's not a myth that Scotland had shit weather but I still loved it.

"So that's Edinburgh castle?" Ross said breaking me from my daydream. "Yup! In all it's dreery and dreek glory" I replied wrapping my arms around Ross tightly. "Thank you, thank you so much!" I mumbled the tears welling up, I couldn't believe I was getting emotional about Edinburgh, it was just a city after all.
Ross chuckled lightly and hugged me back, "Look at you getting all teary eyed, and that's before all my plans".

After gathering myself we walked hand and hand to the hotel.
"So what makes this mile 'royal'?" Ross finally asked me as we dumped our stuff in our room.
Rolling my eyes I went to the window which overlooked the main 'mile' road.
"Well at the bottom of the mile is Hollyrood, the queens residence in Scotland and that's also where the Scottish Parliament building is. And it's a direct road, which is a mile, up to the castle" I explained pointing in the directions of the landmarks.
"Ah now I get it" Ross said with a sigh, placing his arm around the crook of my back as we looked out the window. Stooping down he kissed me gently on my forehead and smiled, "I love you, Miss Smith".
Blushing I reached up on my tip toes to kiss him back, "And I love you, Mr Hornby".


The rest of the day and night was a blur of excitement.
My first surprise was a meal out, then to the Playhouse to see 'Wicked', which was amazing!

Since our hotel was so close to the centre of Edinburgh it was nice to just be able to wander the main streets knowing that we didn't have far to walk.
Walking on the familiar cobble streets, I tightly held Ross's hand in mine, it was comforting.
We walked for hours, in a giant loop back to the hotel, the streets quiet, well it was a Thursday night, well apart from the few stereotypical blokes hanging out at the pubs.

The stars shone brightly overhead, a clear night, but still a cold one. Snuggling my chin deeper into my scarf, I warded off the cold.
Ross wore his black jacket, that many fans would recognise from the 'Sad for Good' video, the cold not fazing him in the slightest.

I hadn't stopped talking the whole walk, telling him about the story of Greyfriers Bobby, then spooky tales from a Ghost Tour I went on, so about the Covenanters Prison, Burke and Hare and the Black Mausoleum.

"Well I can see why you love it, it sure is a stunning place, and by what you have been telling me it's full of history" Ross said lightly as we walked down Chambers street on our way back to the hotel.

"Yea, like I love Bristol but Edinburgh will always be kinda 'spiritual' home, that place I just love to be in" I replied squeezing his fingers.
He chuckled under his breath in understanding and we reached the hotel and walked in.
A large clock on the wall told us that we had been wandering for hours, the time now being 12.30am.

We went up to our room and I changed into a pair of poke a dot pyjama bottoms and Hat Films t-shirt, then it hit me, Ross and I were going to share a bed... And this time it wasn't because I was screaming from a panic attack.

With a shaky sigh I took my contacts out and walked out the bathroom to see Ross already in the bed, his bare chest showing as he sat up against the head rest.

I slid into the bed beside him and placed my head on his chest, curling up next to him.
I felt his chest rise and fall with every breath, his heart rate beating strongly like the beat of a drum. Slowly he stroked my hair, twisting strands in his fingers as he pulled me in close with his other arm.

"Ross?" I whispered in the darkness of the room, my heart fluttering as I slowly dragged my finger over his chest, drawing imaginary shapes on his toned body.
"Yea?" He answered his voice deep and husky.
"Should we... you know..." I stammered not quite knowing how to place the words that I was trying to convay, but I felt his body relax.
"Only if you want to" he replied and I glanced up into his icy blue eyes that sparkled with inner lust, my heart raced with adrenaline and desire.

"I do" I mumbled playing with the waistband of his boxers and he nodded slowly, pulling me into a kiss like no other, his lips caressing mine as I melted in his embrace.

Then well, one thing lead onto another, and well, you get the picture.

Authors Note
Hope I haven't chased anyone off.....
I didn't go into detail but I think you guys can join the dots.....
Remember Support = Chapters (However I do have exams next weeks so there may be a delay)

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