Chapter 81: Plans

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Leigh's POV
"So how does this work again?" I ask in utter confusion as Katie attempted to explain Dungeons and Dragons rules with me.
"Well you choose a character and those characters have individual stats that during play their actions are decided by dice, there are Elfs, half-orcs, humans, halflings, Drow, dragonborn, gnomes, tiefling and a lot more other species that are less common" Katie explained again but yet again I hung my head, "So much information.....".

Laughing Katie signed, "You'll get it once we play, but let's at least get you a character together". The sudden interest in Dungeons and Dragons was after months of nagging from Alex, Mark, Katie and Trott, and with the 'High Rollers' D&D stream every Sunday I had given in. Ross has never had much interest in D&D so Katie was talking me through it. Talking of Ross, he and the lads were off to America for PAX East, he had been really reluctant to leave but I had practically forced him to go, I didn't want him missing out because of my pregnancy. And since Trott was also away Katie had practically moved into my flat for the week, taking up residence in our spare room which was soon to be made into the twins new room.

"Okay well something animal related" I said getting back into the conversation and Katie nodded, "I kinda guessed you would say that, so how about a Wood Elf?"
"Sure" I agreed as Katie started writing down stuff that I had no clue what it meant, just a load of numbers and random words. Honesty I was excited to get into D&D because with Mark as the Dungeon Master I knew it would be really interesting and a good laugh.

"You okay Leigh?" Katie asked me as she seen how distant I was, "I'm fine, just wondering how Ross and the boys are getting on" I said honestly looking at my phone looking for a message to pop up.
Katie laughed, "It's 5am over there, they won't even be awake, I'm sure he will pop you a message when he wakes up, don't get yourself worried" she said and I nodded, "You're right, I just get worried when he is abroad, even though I know he is absolutely fine".

"Uh hmm, so back to your character......" Katie diverged and I sighed, "Okay Miss Bossy, what's next?"


After several hours, many slices of cake, a mug or two of tea and lots of scrunched up paper we had finally made a character I was happy with.
Azulia Greenvale, wood elf Druid, she was short and slim but muscular with long flowing brown and auburn hair. She wore simple green and brown leather armour which allowed plenty of movement, living in the forest her whole life she was very in tune to nature and the creatures that lived there. She left the high forest to explore and learn more about other creatures across the world. Her personality was the most fun to create, I had decided to make her rather stubborn but she is also level headed and her flaw is she is very emotional when it comes to hurt animals or other areas of nature. Katie had organised all her stats and starting abilities but I had imputed that I wanted Azulia to be an archer.
All and all I was looking forward to my first D&D night.

"Right on time" I smiled as I seen my phone light up and a message from Ross flashed on the screen.
Ross: 'Hey love, that's us just up. Off 2 PAX after breakfast, seen something yesterday on 1 of the stalls that I'm going 2 get u. Missing you xxx'

"Told you he would message" Katie said as she seen the smile cross my face.
"How do you know who it's from?" I asked and she just tutted and sighed, "Leigh I know you well enough that I know that look you get when it's message from Ross".
Sticking my tongue out at Katie I quickly tapped a reply.

Me: 'Morning, Katie and I had a very productive D&D morning, hope ur having fun, see u in a few days xxx'

Just I sent the message Apollo decided it was the perfect time to jump on the kitchen table sending a few D&D books to the floor.
"Apollo!" I moaned but as he purred and rubbed his head against my hand I couldn't be mad at him, "You big monster" Katie said patting his head which got his attention and he quickly went to Katie for some affection.

"Hello??" A familiar voice called from the front door as I heaved myself to my feet.
"We are in the kitchen Mark" I shouted back as I heard the skid of claws on the wood floor. Archie and Oscar came padding through to the kitchen panting heavily, both of them with a tennis ball in their month.
"Hey boys, good walk" I asked the Labradors as Mark hung up their leads on the hooks above their water bowl, "They were great as usual" Mark said with a smile.

Turning my attention to Mark I thanked him "Thanks again for walking them Mark, I feel bad I can't give them a proper walk" I said and Mark shook his head, "It's the least I could do, give me something to do during my lunch break, plus I can't expect you to walk them, you're two weeks from popping" he laughed and I rolled my eyes, "I don't need reminding, the midwife phones me every day to ask how I'm getting on, there is still so much that we haven't bought yet".
"Yeah but you have a reason for this Leigh" Katie entered, "You don't know if they will be girls, boys or a girl and a boy" she continued excitingly.

Changing the subject I picked up my D&D character sheet and passed it to Mark, "Here's my character, Katie basically did all the work" I said and Mark smiled, "Brilliant, I'll look it over and get you added to the next session. Well better get back to the office" he said before saying his goodbyes to us and Archie and Oscar.

"Being dungeon master seriously is an addiction of his isn't it" I laughed as Katie filled the boys water bowl.
"I guess it it, he's so good at it, and there is alot worse things to be addicted to" Katie said and I nodded in agreement, "That's very true. Do you want to watch something on the TV?" I asked and Katie rolled her eyes, "You're just going to fall asleep again".
"Well maybe" I laughed but Katie nodded, "I'll get you the blanket from upstairs".

<><Authors Note><>
New update. Trying to add some filler chapters to not jump straight into action after action

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