Chapter 47: Whoops

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Leigh's POV
After a weekend of sitting at home playing games and watching films with Ross and Alex.
Little Trotty had plans with Katie which may or not have involved a trip to his parents, then it was back to work on Monday.
Which was a shame after a weekend of shouted at each other, cursing and eating shit tonnes of food!
However I did feel that Ross and I were holding back from each other to make sure that Alex didn't feel uncomfortable.

"So... I'm guessing you and Ross are as close as ever after last week, after the tears" Hannah asked me as I sat behind her in her office.
I was procrastinating, yet again, by having a girly chat while she edited some AC Unity footage.

"Yea after my little break down then talking about the accident for the first time since it happened, I guess you could say that," I agreed placing down one of her many owls.
"It feels like forever since we were in Edinburgh though, and it's only be over a week" I sighed picking up my phone and scrolling through the many photos we took that weekend, I really should get some of these printed off.

Hannah spun in her chair and looked at me, a huge grin on her face, "What are you thinking about?" I groaned knowing she was going to ask something she really shouldn't be.
Staring at me with a cheeky glint in her eyes I prepared for the oncoming question;
"So did you and Ross, you know, do it?"

Alex's POV
"Trott your such a moron!" I shouted into my headset as we recorded 'Hat Pack'.
"What? If you can have flux floating about, damaging us daily, I can try to find another Eric!" Trott replied as I watched his Minecraft counterpart fly off in search of an ostrich.
"I will end the same way as last time!" I said though my teeth, which I really needed to stop doing so regularly, but oh well.
"NEVER!" Trott shouted before ending the recording.

I took of my headset and deflatened my hair, the curse of headset wearing.
"Hey guys you want anything, I'm going to the common room to get some more Jolly Ranches from the pile, seems like Leigh had nicked all mine again" I shouted over to the lads.

"Aye mate, can you bring we those lunch box Kinder bars?" Ross answered and Trott shook his head, "I'm fine thanks!"

"Okay, see I love you guys, even though your a pair of twats" I chuckled leaving the room, just in time to avoid a Nerf dart targeted at my head.

Walking along the corridor I noticed Hannah's office door was slightly agar, should probably ask her if she wants anything.

"Well, yea, we did" I heard Leigh's voice from inside but her tone was hushed, sparking my curiosity.
"Omg what was it like? Did you use protection?" I heard Hannah reply.

Wait WHAT!!?

"Of course we did! I'm not that stupid, we have only been going out three months" Leigh said and my anger was rising.
I felt it boil up! She had done it with Ross! I knew it! I bloody knew it!
She's my little sister!

Throwing a punch at the wall I stomped back to the Hat Films room. Ross was going to regret it!

Leigh's POV
"Of course we did! I'm not that stupid, we have only been going out three months" I replied to Hannah to which she nodded, "I thought you would, your sensible".

I jumped as I heard a large bang on the office wall before someone stomping down the corridor, "What the hell?" I cursed getting to my feet and glancing out the door to see the Hat Films office door slam shut, "Oh shit!"

Sprinting to room, I opened to door to find Ross bring pinned to the wall as Alex held him tightly, preventing Ross from moving as he held his throat.
Ross' blue eyes went wide when he seen me, his hands frantically trying to push Alex from him, scratching at his grip on his neck.

Kicking into overdrive I ran to Alex and pulled at his shirt, "Alex let him go!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I didn't want to see them fight.

Alex looked down at me, his face distorted in anger, before dropping Ross to the ground.
I rushed to Ross and hugged him while he caught his breath.

"What the hell Alex!" I shouted at him but he just stood there with his hands at the back of his head, "I knew it! I just knew it!" He repeated over and over to himself.

I glanced over at Trott who looked like a deer caught in headlights, probably in shock from the sudden assault between his two friends.

"What the hell man?" Ross finally managed to say rubbing his throat.
Alex's head snapped in his direction, "You had sex with my sister! That's what!"
Ross looked confused for a second before looking at me as I mouthed, 'My bad' and he rolled his eyes.

Standing up I walking up to Alex and stared up at him as he flailed about, fighting through his anger.
He stopped and glared down at me and I could tell that behind the anger he was hurt. I knew him to well not to notice.

"You-you-you had sex with him Leigh" he stammered and I nodded my head, "I know I did, he's my boyfriend Alex, but there is no need for you to start strangling him. He was your friend before you knew I was your sister" I said trying to calm the situation.

Alex's POV
I just wanted to punch a wall, kick a tree, anything to get rid of the burning anger.
It had sparked so easily, If was like I had black out.

But as Leigh stood in front of me, I realised why I was so angry, I was angry because Ross was beginning to take away my little sister. Their relationship obviously hitting new heights if they had actually done... It.

Relationships mean going out, staying over, not doing the normal do nothing stuff. I was turning into the extra wheel, a spare part.

I was already losing Trott to Katie and now I was losing both Leigh and Ross, my best mates and sister, losing them to each other.
I thought I have already lost them once, I couldn't lose them again.
I didn't want to be alone!

Leigh's POV
"Don't leave me" Alex croaked before falling to his knees.
I instantly knelt down and wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, "Its okay Alex, I'm not going anywhere, not just now anyway" I tried to explain.

"You will leave me, you will leave me while you play happy couples" Alex muttered and I hugged him tighter, "Don't be silly, I'm still living with your aren't I" I whispered as Ross placed his hand on my shoulder, "Yea mate, just because we're together doesn't mean we will be spending every waking minute together, that will come but not now" he said, and I was surprised how calm he was about it after being strangled, but he must understand what Alex is really feeling.

Alex looked up, his blue eyes bloodshot from holding back tears.
"I think someone's brain went into fairy land" I cooed making Alex smile.
"I just don't want you to go" he said again and I shook my head, "I promise I'm not going anyway, and anyway I will always be your sister and you will always be my doofus big brother, right?"

Authors Note
Whoops.... Looks like Big Bro knows now...
Someone's going to be a bit more over protective, haha
Anyway hope everyone had a great Christmas :)

Also thanks to Sierra Owls for including this Fic in her 'Top 5 Hat Films Fanfictions' which was awesome!!
Hope you are still enjoying

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