Chapter 49: A Little Fangirling

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"So did Smith like the gecko? You sounded so happy when you called me last night" Ross asked me as I sat on the sofa in the Hat Films office, my 3DS in hand as I tried out 'Tomodachi Life' to see if I was worth making a playthrough on. Ross was at his desk editing the retro 'Good Old Fashioned Bashin' ' footage they had recorded earlier.

I nodded putting down the DS, "He sure does! Except whenever he feeds him the crickets he puts them in one at a time as says 'I volunteer as tribute'! Every single cricket! It's kinda cruel but funny at the same time"

Hearing this Ross started laughing, nearly choking on some Kinder as he did so, "Careful! Don't want you chocking, even if I do know first aid" I groaned rolling my eyes.
"Wait, you know first aid?" Ross said and I nodded, "Yea my first ever job was as a lifeguard at a holiday park, it was so boring, I got all this training but never got to put it to use. A bleeding nose was the worst I got in three years".

"Well you learn something new every day" Ross chucked peeking round his blue room partition, "If I'm ever in need of CPR I know who to call" he added and I laughed, "If your ever in need of CPR I doubt you will be able to give me 'a call'".
"Oh yea.... That would be a slight complication" he agreed with laugh.

"What does CPR mean anyway?" Ross asked looking around the partition again, "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation" I answered and I could hear him snigger, "Smarty pants" he said.
"Well you asked" I shouted as Alex and Trott came back into the room, McDonalds in hand.

"Someone order a vanilla milkshake?" Alex asked before passing the cup to me, "Thanks, took you two long enough" I said as Trott passed Ross a bag with his lunch inside.

"We got caught by some Hatters on the way, they were nice enough but started asking us question after question, so I politely said 'sorry girls but we have to get Ross his bag of shit for lunch'" Trott answered tucking into his McNuggets share box.
Smiling I nodded, "Sounds about right".

"What can I say I love the shite" Ross said making the three of us laugh.


"No no no! Trott you've doomed us all!" I shouted into my mic; we were playing 'G-Mod Murder' for Hat Films' channel and well Trott had just blown up all the boxes that we could have used to get out of reach.
Playing was the three Hat lads, Lewis, Sjin and Me, so yet again, only girl...

"No boxes!" Trott demanded as I got my character to hide behind a door, "Well it's your funeral mate" I said as I watched the murderer run up behind his character, kill him, then run at me killing me.
'Murder Wins'
"Yea eat the shit!" Ross shouted in glee.

"Okay one last game, and this time with accents, but which accent?" Alex said and immediately I heard Trott call, "Scottish!"

"Oh no you don't!" I shouted back as the game began, and well when I seen 'You are the Murder' I knew this was going to be fun.

"Okay Scottish it is" Alex chuckled.

I will never understand why when people do a Scottish accent they either turn into Mel Gibson as Braveheart! Come on he's not even Scottish! He's Australian and his accent is terrible.
Or they go proper Glaswegian, which even I have difficultly understanding at the best of time.

"Watch oot there Trott, I'll smash your heed if your no carefi" Ross started and I literally facepalmed, knocking my mic as I did so.
"Sounds like oor Leigh is having a break doon" Alex chuckled.
Game On!

"Geez a line Leigh" Lewis joined in but I kept quiet, sneaking up behind a player and taking a swing with the knife, "Ugh!"
"Oh Sjin's deed" Ross commented and I held back a laugh as I snuck up behind another player, "Aye there's been a murrdurrr... Ah" Lewis said as his character hit the floor.

"Lewis? Lewis? Uh oh" Alex said, "Who's still alive?"
"Me!" Ross and Trott said together.
"Leigh?" Alex said before his character also fell to my blade.

"It's Leigh! The murderer is Leigh!" Trott shouted while he and Ross hid in a corner, neither of them with the gun.
"You guys are so dead!" I laughed catching sight of them on my screen.

"No no Leigh dinni do it" Ross pleaded but instead I just killed them both, "You take the piss out my accent again and there will be trouble" I threaten and all I could hear was apologies, it was great to be on top.


After the recoding I went back through to the Hat Films office and helped Ross set up for a Hat Films PO Box video, a once in a blue moon occurrence.

"You were evil in that last game Miss Scotland" Trott chuckled across the room as he watched back the footage to edit it.
With a shrug I looked over at Trott, "Well that's what you get, plus out of everyone, I thought you would be merciful due to Katie being Scottish".

"Nahhhh" Trott admitted, so picking up the closest package I threw it at him, "I'm going to tell Katie and man, we are going to make you pay" I threatened making Trott grumbled.

"Well that's this all set up so let's get filming" Ross cheered.
"Alright guys I'll see you in a couple hour, I'm going to see if Sparkles* needs a hand with anything" I waved leaving the three lads to open the mountain of fan mail.

Walking down the corridor I was expecting to see all the office doors shut while people were recording, but instead the empty office next to my room was open, how strange?

Glancing in as I walked past to head to the studio I heard someone muttering inside and looking in I seen Lewis pacing the vacant space.

Jumping at my voice he fumbled with something in his hand, or did I just imagine it.
"Oh it's you Leigh, I thought it was Ha...." He stopped himself and I smiled putting two and two together.
"What's up Lewis?" I questioned anyway, playing along.

Letting out a deep sigh he must have known I had figured it out, "Shut the door" he said, so I entered the room and shut the door behind me.
Holding back my glee Lewis showed me the object he held in his hand, a small velvet box.

"Omg Lewis! Your finally going to ask Hannah!" I said with a little to much fangirl than what was intended.
"Shhhhhhh!" Lewis hushed putting the ring back in his pocket, "I am going to ask but I have no idea how to.... And I want it to be special but I'm useless. I was thinking a meal where we first met, then I could pop the question there".

"Lewis that's adorable! Your not useless! She'll love it! Simple but so you!" I encouraged while I tried to prevent myself from jumping up and down on the spot.

Lewis looked at me and smiled, "You think?"

"I'm not lying Lewis! I've been waiting for this moment for month, when where you thinking of having the meal?" I questioned.

"Friday..." He answered and I couldn't help but let out a little squeal of glee.

"Go for it! Now I'm going to leave you before anyone comes looking, good luck! She'll say yes, I've never been so sure of something in my life" I said before quickly exiting the room, leaving Lewis to continue to think.
This was so exciting!
A Yogscast Wedding!

Authors Note
I just had to! Hannah and Lewis are such a cute couple :)
Happy New Year
And remember to comment and vote :)

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now