Chapter 29: Christmas

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Leigh's POV

Burning, Shouting, Fear!

I lay on the cold tarmac, my vision blurred as my head hammered. 

Forcing my eyes to focus I looked out at the scene around me. 

Fire, flashing lights, blood, Ross.

He lay unconscious on the road, blood dripping down his face. 

"Ross" I croaked trying to call out to him. Paramedics and firemen rushed about removing broken debris from our broken bodies. Sirens echoing in my head as my vision began to fade.

"Ross! Ross! ROSS!”

Alex's POV 

"We need to wake her up!" I shouted as Leigh screamed in her sleep. Trott and Ross stood beside me both of their faces full of concern. It was 3am on Christmas morning but all three of us had been woken from our sleep when Leigh had began shouting. 

"Leigh, Leigh, please wake up, it's us, your safe" I tried to calm her but no use, she just continued to scramble in her sleep. 

"Ross!" She shouted again, was she having a nightmare about the crash?

Ross pushed me out the way and took her hand and knelt beside the bed, "Look Leigh I'm here, I'm fine".

Jolting from her sleep Leigh sat wide eyed, her breath quick and panicked. Looking around her eyes swelled with tears and soon they began to stream down her face. 

"Shhhh, shhhh your safe, your home" Ross cooed pulling her into a hug. I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance as he hugged her, a protective feeling rising in my gut. 

This was going to take some getting used to.

Leigh's POV 

The panic attack had taken over as I jumped from my nightmare, or was it a flashback? Clinging onto Ross's superman t-shirt for dear life I cried through my panicked state. It was like I was being denied air, my body forcing breaths out but not allowing them in. My injuries ached especially my ribs as I tried to breath.

Ross talked to me softy while Alex and Trott watched from behind him. Both of them looked scared shitless, I had obviously given them quite a fright. 

"I-I-I'm so-so-sorry" I whimpered into Ross's shirt, my voice course and forced. 

"Your fine, it was just a nightmare" Ross soothed rubbing my back softly as not to hurt me. I was truly terrified I have never had a nightmare anything like that before, and that made me even more scared, it wasn't just a dream, It couldn't have been, it was real! A flashback to the accident.

The panic attack subsided and now I was just a sobbing mess, my tears now creating wet patches on Ross's shirt.

Sitting up, both Alex and Ross took a seat on my bed, one on each side, both of them hugging me tightly.

"I'll go get you a glass of water" Trott said leaving the room, bless him, he could have been home with Katie but had decided on spending Christmas with us.

"I-I-I'm fine" I stuttered pulling away from their grip slightly. "It w-was just a ni-nightmare, I'm f-fine, go back to b-bed," I could feel my eyes shut but tried to keep them open. 

As I fell back asleep I could see Ross shake his head before looking across at Alex.

Alex's POV

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