Chapter 53: Announcment

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Leigh's POV
"Well I'm Leigh or should I say Champion Leigh Saviour of the World! Sighing off on our adventure in Hoenn!"

Clicking a few buttons I sighed, I had just finished my last recording of Pokemon Omega Sapphire. I was always kinda sad when I finished a long lasting series.
So looking down at my capture card 3DS, I looked at the Pokemon team that I had ended up with;
- Sceptile (Ares)
- Swellow (Athena)
- Manetric (Thor)
- Camerupt (Prometheus)
- Flygon (Apollo)
- Sharpedo (Triton)

I had had a lot of fun with this team, I always tried to use Pokemon that weren't nessasaly the 'fan favourites'.

Charizard or Blastoise?
100% Blastoise!

Plus Flygon is my favourite Pokemon out the whole 700+..... God 700+..... I remember when it was just the original 151.

So anyway, maybe I'm a bit of a Pokemon nerd at heart... I should really try to get in contact with Zoey, she's a Pokemon fan too, right?
Maybe we could do a couple battles or even a co-op?

Taking note of the idea on the notepad that I kept on my desk I rubbed my temples... I had so much on this bloody notepad already... And it was only 11am on Monday.

✏️ Notes ✏️
~ Hat Corp recording 1:30pm (Tunnel Bore hits Flux Buddies base)
~ Organise recording schedule (it's a mess)
~ Plan PKMN Fan-Art vid
~ Get Kaeyi + Martyn 'New Home' card
~ Hide Jaffa's from Simon
~ Book Driving Lessons (Can't have Alex/Ross driving me everywhere)
~ Email/Phone Zoey = Pokemon colab

Yup... I know... Life of a Youtuber... But I love it.

*Purr Meow*

Looking up from my notepad I was head butted by Apollo, his spotted body walking across my desk, stepping in the keyboard as he went.
Rolling my eyes I lifted the little monster from my desk and onto the sofa behind me.

Alex had brought him into work this morning because he knew I would be doing a lot in my office, so at least I would have company. And since I had been at Ross' all weekend it was good to see the four pawed monster.

However company ended up being a nuisance, stopping the recording twice and knocking several objects from my shelves.

My weekend with Ross had been great, and no there was no 'hanky panky'.
We spent Saturday in front of the TV wrapped in blankets, with plenty junk food and played games.
Then Sunday we took Oscar and Archie for a long walk in and around town, taking them to the park for a good run about, then back to Ross' for hot chocolate and more gaming.


"Yea yea Apollo I know! Here" I said rummaging though my bag to find his catnip toy and threw it across the room. I'm sure he thinks he's a dog... After all he plays fetch. And right enough Apollo ran back to me, toy in his mouth ready for me to throw it again.... Weird cat.

*Knock Knock*

"Lewis has called a meeting at 12 in the common room" Martyn said as he poked his head in the door of my office, smiling at Apollo after he finished talking. While a lot of the Yogs members were dog folk, Martyn was defiantly a cat man.

"Hey little guy" he cooed shutting the door and getting down on his knees to play with Apollo.
Spinning in my chair I smiled, "Any idea what the meeting is about" even though I knew, oh I knew.

Martyn shook his head, "No clue but he was smiling, Lewis smiling! It must be something big".
Holding back a squeal of glee I nodded as Martyn got up and left. Bring on 12.


"So how did your date go?" I questioned Alex as we waiting for the announcement. The common room was packed, so I had ended up sitting on the floor with Ross while Trott, Alex and Duncan had stolen the sofa.
I could see the blush in Alex's cheeks as I looked over my shoulder at him, "It went... Well" he said trying to sound confident, "Well good or well bad?" I asked and a smile crossed his face, "Well good".

"Eh hem? Can I have your attention please, I have an announcement" Lewis called causing the room full of editors, illustrations, admins and content creators to fall silent.
Lewis went over to Hannah and took her hand in his pulling her to her feet.

"Hannah and I are engaged!"

The room erupted with cheers and a huge round of applause.
Jumping to my feet I smiled at the happy couple, Hannah gave me a smile back obviously happy that Ross and I had managed to keep the news to ourselves.

"Three cheers for Hannah and Lewis!" I shouted getting the whole rooms attention.
"Hip Hip..."
"Hip Hip..."
"Hip Hip..."


After congratulations had been exchanged it was back to work as usual, or filming Hat Corp for me and the three lads.
We recorded for a few hours so would get at least 5 videos from the footage that we had recorded.
Hours of the lads picking on me but I had gotten used to it by now.

"Well successful recording guys!" Ross chirped in my headset ending the recording.
"Yup, it would have been if Alex hadn't killed Rolo" I sighed, Rolo was a horse I had tamed in game and Alex somehow managed to kill him when a nuke backfired and nearly destroyed the base, instead of the Flux Buddies base, and Rolo got caught in the misfire.

"It was an accident; it wasn't like Eric, where I deliberately killed him. Rolo was a casualty of war," Alex apologised and I could hear Trott fake cry, "You monster!"
Laughing I left the server, "Okay guys I'll be through in a sec" then I disconnected from Skype, time to head on home.

<><Authors Note><>
Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter but Authors Block is a b****.
Sadly the updates for this fic and my others will now be weekly. I'm starting work placement tomorrow so will technically be working 9-5 for the next 12 weeks.

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