Chapter 46: A Stronger Bond

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Viewer's POV (It returns)
"Damn essay" I cursed closing the word document, "Who cares about study skills? Why a 2000 word essay? Ugh!"
Giving up on the essay I clicked onto YouTube.
A smile crossed my face as several videos popped up, including Flux Buddies, Deep Space Mine, GTA from Hat Films and a Vlog from Leigh. Huh?

Clicking onto that one first I was interested what it was about, she was a Yog that rarely did any facecam work so it sparked my interest.
As I waiting for it to load a bit, stupid wifi! I studied the lay out, it was a generic office Vlog, she was obviously sitting at her desk, and behind her were sound mats, posters and several pieces of fan art.

Once it had loaded I clicked play and watched as Leigh pored her heart out;

"I'm going to start this video by saying... Well... If I cry, don't judge me but I need to get this off my chest"
"Yesterday, I was reading through some comments and sadly I ran into a very distressing comment from a so called 'hater'"

"Many people would just brush it off and continue on but this one struck a cord."

"So I'm going to start from the beginning; well last April, to be precise."
[She shifted uncomfortably in her seat]

"I never knew my parents, they died when I was very young, so I was brought up by my Aunt and Uncle. They were amazing people and I'm the person I am today due to them. Well last April they were killed in a car accident caused by a 'Hit and Run' driver. I was left homeless and familyless. I had no one"

"Weeks went past with nothing; I was alone. That was until a Mr Alex Smith contacted the authorities and it was found that he was my brother. Well same mum, different Dad. I never knew I had a brother until that day and I never thought he would be 'the' Alex Smith' from Hat Films. I was stunned"

"It was a bit of a shaky start but slowly Alex became my brother and best friend. It was like I had known him my whole life".
[She held up her phone to the camera and on the phone showed a photo of Smiffy and herself sitting on the floor, of what looked like an apartment, game controller in hand playing, they looked so happy]

"Life was great. I had friends, family and a steady job, as well as a boyfriend after a drunken kiss."
"Then well, the night of the Hat Films stream, well you know what happened. But it still haunts me to this day. I had continuous flashbacks after I woke from that coma, I had panic attaches and blackouts. It wasn't pleasant but I made it through, with help from Alex, he was my anchor, bringing me back from those dark times"
[The tears had finally began to fall free, running down her cheeks]

"So what I'm saying is that, before you go guessing someone's life actually have the decency to think before you comment on someone. I am here today due to the friends and family I have around me. So I may sing and play guitar but those things make me happy. Everyone has the right to do the things that keep them happy."
"Be yourself"

"Well rant over, I'm going to get some tissues and continue my life and what makes me happy"
"Love you all"

I sat teary eyed as Leigh spoke her experiences, she was brave to speak out. Clicking Like, I smiled, she was an inspiration.

Leigh's POV
"Thank god that's done" I sighed clicking publish on the new Vlog. It felt like a huge weight has been taken from my shoulders and I was free to continue my life.
Ross had suggested the Vlog, while we watched 'Guardians of the Galaxy' last night, saying it would show my fans that I'm just a regular person and also tell them exactly how I came to be Alex's sister so suddenly.
And he was completely right, I did feel better and the positive comments were a great boost;

bigcatkittycat: "Feel so much closer to you after watching this video, glad you feel confident to let us fans know how you feel"
YogcastFanGirl: "Love you Leigh, sad that your Aunt and Uncle died but glad you are here now"
abbie-cush: "Haters just ruin the Internet! Down with the haters!"

It was great to have the fans back on my side, and they all seem to appreciate that I had shared my thoughts and feelings with them. I even told them about my flashbacks during the time after Christmas, Ross didn't even know about those, so I knew I would had some explaining to do.

Using the time I had, I began to sort through return addresses from my PO Box mail. But that time was cut short as Ross appeared at my door, his eyes red from crying, uh oh.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned still standing at the door.
I fumbled with my fingers, avoiding his icy blue gaze, "I just couldn't, I didn't want to dump my emotional baggage on you, you have your own experiences to deal will" I explained and I looked up to see tears rolling down his face, oh god.
Getting up I took his hand and pulled him to the small sofa in the room, sitting him down.
"Ross?" I breathed sitting down beside him, taking his hand in mine, this was like a position swap from yesterday when I was the one crying my eyes out.

"You have no idea Leigh, I was conscious after the initial hit. I tried to reach out to you, you were bloody and broken, I just wanted to hold you" the tears continue as he squeezed my hand and I could also feel my own tears rising.

"When the ambulance arrived you were taken away from me, I watched as they carried you away. I thought you were dead".
At this statement I gasped, while my flashbacks had been a glimpse then build upon by my nightmares, Ross had seen it all, he witnessed every minute.

"I'm sorry" I breathed and he looked up at me, "I thought I had lost you" he whimpered, and I wrapped my arms around his chest, "I'm here! I'll always be here!"
His crying slowing he hugged me back and whispered in my ear, "No more secrets, okay?"
"Okay" I agreed as he held me tight against his chest.
"Look at us, we're a mess" he chuckled and I nodded, "Yup a great big emotional mess".

Authors Note
Don't know what it is with me and the soppy stuff but it makes a break from one bit to another, and makes the relationship stronger between the two characters.
And if I don't update again today or Tomorrow, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

A Family Worth Living For (A Yogscast/Hat Films FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now