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"Morning." was the first thing I heard.

It was my best friend, Ethan.

Long haired, shy, Italian.... yeah you know the drill.

"Morning." I smiled weakly as the sunlight blinded me. "Sorry to wake you up but the band is coming over in an hour, so I thought I'd let you get dressed first." He shrugged. "Thanks." I nodded even though I was definitely not in a thankful mood.

Mornings were never my thing and I don't think they ever will be. The groggy feeling of getting up and taking a shower is not a nice one. But it's one I'll go through everyday, and today is no exception. I stretched my sore muscles and flopped my legs to the side. My bare feet touched the cooling wooden flooring.

Ethan walked out to get ready too. "One hour!" He reminded me in a yell from the other room. "Got it!" I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.
-----------------time skip---------------

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I picked out an outfit and got changed quickly. I struggled with my hair as it was always quite stubborn, but I eventually got it to stay where I wanted it. I made myself some brunch since I had woken up too late for regular breakfast then I started my makeup.

Just as I was finished blending concealer onto my eyebags I heard the apartment door open and people talking.

"Great." I mumbled sarcastically and frantically cleaned up. "Rianna? They're here!" Ethan popped his head in the door. "I'm not deaf." I rolled my eyes. "Oh what a fun fact!!" He sarcastically gasped as I followed him into the living room area.

"Guys this is Rianna, she's my roommate." Ethan introduced me and sat next to a blonde guy with a mullet. "Hi." The guy waved. I immediately noticed his thick Italian accent. Ethan asked something in Italian to him. "Oh right, I'm Thomas!" He nodded.

"Damiano." Another dark-haired guy smiled sweetly. I vaguely remembered them from a few times but I'd mostly go out of the apartment when they came over because of the very loud playing.  "Victoria." The cheerful girl made direct eye contact with me. Wow her eyes were mesmerizing. They glistened showing every color of green and blue and hazel known to man.

Ethan snapped his fingers in front of my dazed out face. "Are you gonna sit down?" He asked. I went slightly pink with embarrassment. I sat on the couch beside Victoria. "Why are you so rude to her Edgar?" Victoria laughed. Edgar was a nickname that most of the band called him to tease him.

"We're best friends it's fine." I assured her. She nodded. I noticed her sense of fashion was very vintage which I liked. She wore a beret. Oh shit I was staring wasn't I? I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So let's write some fucking songs!" Damiano clapped.

"Rianna you can go if you-" "No I'll stay." I cut Ethan off. I wanted to get to know the band more since he spent the majority of his time with them.

Thomas said something in Italian which made Damiano ask him to play it. He got his guitar set up and started to play a sequence. He was insanely talented which I was sort of expecting but not this much. We all started to vibe along with it, swinging our heads around and bopping along.

I felt a bang against the side of my head. "Scusa!" Victoria gasped apologetically, making Damiano snigger. "No no it's ok!" I assured her. She put her hand on my head to sooth it. "You meet her and in the first two minutes you try to give her a concussion!" Damiano joked. She slapped him lightly on the arm. "And now you're trying to break my arm!" Damiano gasped dramatically.

Victoria looked at me with a 'oh my goddddd' look. "Well what did you guys think of it?" Thomas asked, breaking up the short petty bickering. It was a lot slower than their usual pieces but I loved it. "Thomas this is the most beautiful thing-" "You have ever created blah blah blah... what did you actually think?" Thomas finished off Ethan's classic sentence.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now